
miércoles, 19 de diciembre de 2012

In the Light, we are One!!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

In the Light, we are One.

Dear Community -

We are entering the time of great reception. Being ready to receive is everything now. No matter what your beliefs are or were we are in a time of change. A change in your belief structure maybe supported by radically changing your view of who you really and truly think you are, thus you are making way for who you are becoming. 

We cannot separate what we are from what the Earth, our mother, is. Reflect on the fact that she is us: as above, so below. In considering this macrocosm/microcosm relationship, we know that we must allow change to occur—it ain’t been working quite right, for a long time now, have you noticed? A shift is coming, and we, the residents of Earth—each of us her cells and particles—are going to be affected. The effect is great, no matter what we do or do not do. However, we can choose to be a positive adjunct force in this shift or re-tuning of the planet.

This change has actually been in the works for thousands of years and now will begin in earnest this Friday, on the 21st of this month, the winter solstice. To herald this change we have clear instructions. We have been receiving instructions from Venerable Dhyani and other Elders for years to clear our thoughts and bodies, to calm, and to love. This week is all of that and more. This week we are advised to be conscious receivers of the energies that are coming to the Earth, which are activating her crystalline structure. Here we now stand, between thunder and lightning, between heaven and earth.

Deep within your being a flowing outward of the pure waters of consciousness is being called forth. This is you, if you choose to remain in stillness, being mindful of the depths of your being—mindful that what you think is as important, if not more important, than what you do. Our thoughts, our words, our very being is, in essence, vibration. That is why your speech, too, must be re-tuned, as Earth herself is being tuned. By being in inner stillness, we are, without much effort, raising our consciousness.

This is what is happening now. It has been prophesized in innumerable writings of traditional peoples. It is real, and you will—we will all—feel it.

It is Spirit that binds us together. In stillness and receptivity, we join with the nobility of the galaxies. The Elders and teachers, who have chosen to be here on Earth with us, have been giving us the opportunity to make this shift consciously. The true wisdom guides, priests and priestesses, and sacred elders are delivering messages now that must be heard, for it is in hearing their words that you are being changed. Notice that a true teacher asks us to do nothing other than to listen to our own inner stillness, our inner teacher. This is the magic of this time. We must listen. Listen to your inner voice, as wild or as radical as it may sound; this is so different from the way you have believed or seen things for the greater part of your life. You are getting the truth, and this truth will only come to you in stillness and meditation. 

Come join with us in ceremony, community and freely talk about what you are feeling as this shift comes. It is stirring in all humans now. In some it is causing great inner disturbances, as many people have latent longings long suppressed that are surfacing in rage and conflict. Remove yourself from these lower vibrations, both physically and mentally. Inwardly correct any negative self-talk that is a remnant of your past experiences.

Go to stillness within yourself and open to a state of receptivity. You will receive inner teachings for sure, as well as great, glorious abundance, and harmonious mates and teachers will appear at all levels of your life.

This is the time of the end of many cycles, and during this ending you must set boundaries in all ways. By enacting boundaries in your life, you are giving way to new choices, new ideas, new poems, new songs, glorious creativity, and to new companions of destiny. 
We must remain in various forms of quietude, to hear the voices that will speak to us. How will you differentiate the true teachings from the phony, ego-driven messages that have permeated our culture?

This time is not about loose, free-flowing actions or consciousness; it is important to set limits and boundaries to your activities, to your expenditure of energy and thought forms, so that you can concentrate on what you are doing and feeling in these days of the week of the solstice of 2012. In this way we are creating a template for the future.

We, as a community, are setting the intention for a true new golden age to come on Earth—a time of plenty and of love and harmony between all peoples. This will begin with each of us, as we quiet ourselves to listen and allow the thoughts we think and the words we speak to be clear and without fear or judgment. We know that words and thought forms can harm; and know as well that they can also heal. 

It is important that we find one another in these times. Make your home or dinner table a salon of interesting new people with new ideas—people who are not afraid. We all need to gather together now and share what we see and feel. We are to bind together in clarity and love. Many people and the Earth herself will have some upheaval during this time, but we must not have fear. This is an ending, yes, and in that it is the gateway to clarity, abundance, harmony, health, and sharing with others our riches of feelings and thoughts and material abundance. This is true nobility, the nobility that has been waiting for eons to be expressed through us.

In your stillness,  activate your stability, and as a result you will be in tune and know without doubt the right time to bust a move toward your greater good, so that we can become the noble beings that we human beings were designed to be. All signs point to this turn of events; the track is set before us.

In these days, and especially during the three days proceeding this Friday the 21st, find your inner stillness as you prepare for a new beginning. Be as pure as possible in your foods and in your thoughts and words. Move and act in ritual accord with the new vision we hold for Earth. 

Meditate in your own way or with the Diamond Body Practice of the Ywahoo Lineage, or simply go to a place of peace within or to an actual place where you find great peace. This is not something to do later, when you “have the time.” The time is now. Set the bar high, be an example, a beacon for all to feel and see.

Clear your mind and meditate on love and compassion, and let the new ideas of new ways of being flow through you. Talk about them, share your nobility.  Keep your thoughts during this time within the boundaries of this change that is occurring and what you see and wish for yourself and for the Earth.

We all can be an active part in these great changes, so participate! Live this time to your fullest capacity. If you hear judgment and criticism in your old, patterned thoughts or words discard it and replace it with noble thoughts. If you feel a pull to not be the kind, compassionate, and generous person you intrinsically are then WAKE UP!!!

Be clear, dignified, compassionate, and kind. Be kind first to yourself and then show kindness to others. These words, kindness, love, truth, integrity, compassion, and dignity, comprise the magical elixir that feeds positive change. This elixir will smooth the way. 

In your stillness you will teach; in your stillness you will learn; in your stillness you will be found.

In the Light we are One!

Dane Ywahoo Larsen

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