Stimulates Lungs (builds, strengthens and decongests), Stomach (promotes appetite, relieves gas, can be used to induce vomiting if toxins present), Tissues, Mammary Glands (produces milk);
Clears Kidney and Bladder (provokes urination), Colon (provokes defecation / clears constipation), Menstrual problems (provokes expulsion of menses), Stomach (induce vomiting up of toxic elements)
Depresses Parathyroid;
Energizes Thyroid;
Relieves Muscle cramps and spasms;
Builds Bones (calcium effect to help strengthen soft bones);
Removes Blood Clots and Cysts, helps against Anemia;
Heart tonic;
Helps Sclerotic processes (Arteriosclerosis, Cerebral and Coronary Sclerosis);
DO NOT use on Appendix (may rupture).
Expelling waste, toxins, and germs;
Loosening, Extracting, Melting, Eliminating, Cleansing, Explosive, Destructive.
Promotes Joy, Happiness, Ambition, Warmheartedness, Brightening, Cheering, Strengthening.
Overcomes Sleepiness, Discontentment, Pessimism, Psychosis, Depression, Fear (using orange alternated with blue), Disinclination to Work.
Helps a Dying Person extract their Spirit from the physical body.
Master Choa Kok Sui made important discoveries with the Orange vibration. Because of its power, the Orange vibration may pose a danger to sensitive organs such as the Brain and Eyes, so he avoided in most cases using it on the upper body, keeping it below the level of the heart and only energizing the lungs with Orange from the back of the body (not from the front)...
Peter Mandel used Orange to strengthen the Heart in cases of heart disease or weakness. He alternated application of Orange light with Blue light when treating the effects of a heart attack or angina pectoris, and also when clearing fear from a person. He also used Orange light to help persons who are chronically tired in the morning to be more awake and energized.
Enel also noted that Orange is a cardiac tonic. He found that the physical metal Gold is connected to the Orange Vibrational Band
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N S 1. 28. 1. 17. Gama. Cristal. Mantra: HRAHA. Tercer Ojo. UPC KIN 12 (martes 11-8-2015)
PERRO: Acción: AMAR. Poder: CORAZÓN. Esencia: LEALTAD.
El Pórtico Cósmico, toma el vuelo mágico. Retorno magnético.
Día 362 de 812. El Perro coloca el broche de oro a la onda encantada del Espejo blanco. Trascendemos el sin fin con el amor y el corazón que el Perro nos proporciona. Nada mejor que el puro amor para que la humanidad realice los cambios tan necesarios en esta época de la historia del planeta. Al llegar energías más intensas y cargadas de amor, tanto los cuerpos como los espíritus vislumbran nuevos horizontes cargados de proyectos especiales antes nunca posibles. Los impregnamos con esperanza para que cuando salgan a la luz se puedan llevar a cabo y fructificar. Las demás dimensiones que el Espejo nos muestra se manifestarán ante nosotros, mostrándonos a los seres que desde sus lugares de origen se ocupan de protegernos y ayudarnos.
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Introversión, paz y silencio

La extroversión es lo que desperdicia nuestra energía y nos hace sentir débiles. En un estado de introversión pensamos menos y hablamos menos. Entonces tenemos la capacidad de poner en la acción lo que sea que pensemos y lo que necesitemos hacer.
La serenidad verdadera no se muestra tanto en la cara como en la profundidad y quietud de la mirada.
Si plantamos un semilla positiva y limpia de pensamientos y nos concentramos en ella, le damos energía al igual que el sol se la da a una semilla plantada en la tierra. Y al igual que la semilla en la tierra despierta, se mueve y empieza a crecer, los pensamientos en los que nos concentramos empiezan a desarrollarse y crecer. Así que sembremos pensamientos positivos. Cada mañana, antes de empezar el viaje del día, sentémonos tranquilamente, en silencio, y sembremos la semilla de la paz. La paz es nuestra fortaleza original, la eterna tranquilidad de nuestro ser.
No debemos darle permiso a la mente para alterarse. Una mente alterada se influencia fácilmente. El precio será perder la paz. Aprendamos a mantener nuestra paz liberándonos de los apegos. Competir o compararse con los demás no nos permitirá enfocarnos hacia el interior. Un enfoque interior nos permite mantener la visión en nuestro ser más elevado. Tenemos que recordar nuestra naturaleza original. Nos permite forjar un vínculo con Dios. Una mente calmada no es sólo pacífica, está enfocada, concentrada y llena de buenos deseos y sentimientos puros.
La paz no es una actitud pasiva, es un estado activo. Requiere una atención constante el vivir y responder como un ser pacífico ante cualquier trastorno de la vida.
La verdadera paz sólo se puede experimentar cuando dejamos de dar y de tomar pesar. Llenemos nuestra mente con paz y buenos sentimientos y así podremos compartir esa experiencia con otros. Permanezcamos llenos de paz internamente y esta paz alcanzará a las personas que amamos y finalmente al mundo entero.
Necesitamos aprender a crear silencio en nuestras mentes y entonces la paz florecerá en nuestras almas. Y es cuando experimentamos el silencio interior que podemos dejar que Dios entre en nuestros corazones y mentes y nos llene de amor, fortaleza y paz.
Brahma Kumaris
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Holographic Creation
"All of Creation is complete. The whole of Creation exist in every part"
Creativity is a perpetual unfoldment, however, the entire sum of all time, all space, all dimensions, while experienced In linear time, in actuality coexists in an infinite Eternal Now. Everything that exists, that has ever existed in physical, mental or ethereal forms exists in the Eternal Now. So nothing else can or will Ever be created, creation is complete. Everything is already created, we now have the joy of manifesting from creation.
The entire sum of all creation exists within you. It is of the purest purpose and most sacred destiny to become ever increasingly aware and intimately experience the wonder of being more and more of who you already are. Manifesting a glorious life, intimate love, unfolding ecstatic pleasures, beholding wonders, revealing age old mysteries and entering into the presence of Love itself is all within you, right now. This is an amazing truth.
You have everything you need to live in the experience and consciousness of divine life and manifest through your body the full expression of mind blowing Love. The Union you have longed for is within, the power to creatively manifest your heart's desire flows from your inner most being. You are the Treasure of Heaven.
Your history does not define you and never has. You are from the Beginning, the same Presence that created all there is, is all and completely within you. Your history is just a story of what you have discovered so far. You are ever unfolding. Family cannot define you. Past relationships cannot define you. Your failures and victories do not define you. You are from the Beginning.
Imagine for a moment all your stories dissolving before you, your history released, your beliefs, your biases let go. Just you and the presence of Love. How beautiful. How wonderful. Just imagine what could be.
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In spiritual work, understanding in itself has the capacity to bring about change. It acts as a catalyst and opens new ways of looking at things. It brings about growth and spiritual advancement. As spiritual growth continues, old styles of thinking and contextualizing are surrendered and accompanied by the joy of new discoveries. Anger at the absurdities of life is now replaced by laughter, and what a lot of the world bemoans and makes much of as melodrama is now seen as comical. Spiritual teachings need to be accepted to become integrated. Resistance comes from the ego, which lacks humility and which, out of pride, resents being 'wrong'. It is better to realize that one is not giving up wrong views but instead is adopting better ones. That peace is better than war and that love is better than hate makes sense to the intellect, but the ego may rebel at giving up its favorite hate and justified resentments.
There is a multitude of millions of people on the planet, whole cultures and societies, whose only theme and reason for survival is hate. Their entire society is based around revenge and the duality of victim and perpetrator. Whole areas of the world are devoted to the expressions of hatred which are constantly rejustified by reiterating the distant past. In society, there is no dearth of justifications for hatreds. One can always cite long-dead ancestors and justify hatred toward their ancient enemies. This can even be seen as heroic, patriotic, laudable, or politically correct.
Letting go of the old is facilitated by willingness, courage, and faith. Spiritual progress literally benefits all mankind in that it raises the general level of consciousness. Even one iota makes a difference.
Another obstacle to spiritual growth is impatience. This can be overcome only by surrender.
A general orientation and a technique have been described elsewhere. We may think that thoughts are connected together by associations or some other seemingly plausible psychological explanation. By observation, however, one will note that, on the contrary, thoughts are occurring in a senseless, random fashion. They jump from one subject to another, with no real connection to each other at all. The thought stream is usually described from the limits of the Newtonian linear paradigm that imputes causality where none exists in reality. Thoughts appear to be random, nonlinear, and chaotic, with no calculable predictability. They seem to be haphazard. Despite laudable efforts, there is really no verifiable explanation for thoughts, images, concepts, memories, fantasies, feelings, hopes, or fears, and the content of mind refuses to be controlled. The sum stratum of mind, the matrix of thinkingness, is the constant production by thinking-ness that prompts an endless succession of thoughts. These are purposely interjected to prevent all possibility of silence. The more one attempts to control it, the more it plays tricks, becomes rebellious, refuses to be controlled, and appears to be untamable.
From: "The Eye of the I: From Which Nothing is Hidden" (2002), Chapter 8: Beyond Causality—Consciousness: The Way to God, pp. 120–122
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Ist jede Krankheit heilbar? werde ich oft gefragt.
Im Prinzip Ja, muss ich ehrlicher Weise antworten, denn jede Krankheit findet ihren eigentlichen Sinn darin, uns eine Botschaft für unsere charakterliche Weiterentwicklung zu vermitteln. Schmerzen sind lauter als Gewissensbisse, denen man nicht gerecht wurde. Ich kenne keine einzige Heilung ohne eine einhergehende Lebensveränderung. Manchmal heißt es deshalb „Leiden ist leichter als Lernen" Insofern ist nicht jede Krankheit heilbar. Manche verschieben das Lernen auf's nächste Leben. Das ist aber auch nicht zu verurteilen, denn die unsterbliche Seele hat unendlich Geduld mit uns. Es ist mehr die Frage an uns, wann wir mit unseren ewigen Kompromissen keine Geduld mehr haben und die innerlich schon immer gesüßten Schritte vollziehen. Klar, dass die Existenzangst uns da immer wieder ausbremst. Diese Angst ist aber ein Mangel an Vertrauen in meine Unsterblichkeit. Selbst wenn mein Körper schon am Ende ist, kann ich noch Schritte unternehmen, die sich auf die Zukunft selbstverständlich auswirken, die ich in meiner nächsten Form (Körper) erleben werde. Mit dem Bewusstsein für die Kontinuität meines Lebens, lässt sich sehr viel leichter heilen. Clemens Kuby
3 palabras te pueden arruinar la vida…. está usted despedido….
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Sushumna Nadi - Chong Mai
The "Axis Mundi" Of The Yogic Body
Elizabeth Reninger Taoism Expert
The Axis Mundi of the yogic body, the Sushumna Nadi -- known in Taoist parlance as the Chong Mai or Penetrating Vessel -- is arguably the most important of the Eight Extraordinary Meridians, which together represent the human body's deepest, most primordial level of energetic functioning.
In relation to the physical form, the Sushumna / Chong flows slightly anterior and parallel to the spinal column, from the pelvic floor (Hui Yin/REN1) to the crown of the head (Bai Hui/DU20).
[Note: in certain Chinese Medical contexts, the Chong's trajectory is described differently.]
In relation to the energetic matrix within which the physical form appears, the Sushumna / Chong is the central portion of a torus-shaped energy-body, which encapsulates the physical in a way similar to how an egg contains a chick, or a womb contains an embryo. The fountain-like flow of energy up the central channel of the Sushumna expands at the crown of the head (like a "thousand-petaled lotus") -- before cascading down (in a 360-degree arc) to join once again at the root of the channel (the pelvic floor), where the cycle continues.
Whereas the twelve main meridians are conduits for life-force energy (qi/chi) associated with our everyday dualistic space/time experience, the Sushumna Nadi carries the nondual energy of Primordial Consciousness: a more refined, purified and primordial (or "prenatal") form of qi.
In the Tibetan yogic tradition, the light or energy that flows through the central channel is known as "wisdom air" -- and is believed to correspond to the very subtle mind (which transcends space/time, i.e.
is nondual & nonconceptual).
As I've written elsewhere:
"The third level of mind is known as the "very subtle level" or the extraordinary level -- which exists ontologically prior to the space/time matrix of our ordinary (coarse & subtle) mental continuum. It is within this very subtle level that abide, and can (by a skilled meditator) be perceived, various karmic propensities/probabilities or "seeds" -- the deepest level of "transpersonal" conditioning -- along with the "birthing" of these karmic seeds into a particular space/time expression."
(Some have suggested this "very subtle mind" -- and the corresponding "energy" of the Sushumna nadi -- to be an energetic correlate to what in western medicine/science is known as our "genetic imprinting," i.e. that which somehow transcends the appearance of a bodymind's single lifetime.)
In relation to Taoist yoga practice (qigong, taiji etc.), it's useful to conceive of the Sushumna Nadi / Chong Mai as a portal, more than as a destination. In other words, allowing awareness to flow within the so-called "central channel" can be a means of transcending dualistic identification of all sorts, including (fundamentally!) the identification with a specific physical body, with a specific space/time location. But this "works" only to the extent that, at some point -- after it has served its purpose -- we are able to dissolve the visualized location of the "central channel" -- in relation to our physical form. Otherwise, the Sushumana Nadi can become simply a subtle reification of our notion of ourselves as being a separate, permanent "form" (albeit a subtle one).
As Thinley Norbu, in White Sail, writes:
"Wisdom air has no limitation of substantial form, but because practitioners have karmic air and the habit of form, the central channel is generally visualized as the size of the shaft of an arrow."
So: we initially visualize the "central channel" in relation to our (also-visualized in the sense of "projected") physical form. Given the structure of the human subtle body, and its relationship to the physical nervous system, this somehow functions as a skillful means, to awaken nondual awareness, i.e. a felt awareness as ourselves as Tao.
Once the visualization has served this purpose, the practice then finds its completion in the dissolving of the visualized "central channel" along with the "physical form" that served as its initial point of reference. This leaves us with the entire (also-projected) "universe" as our "body" -- all appearances experienced as arising within who-we-are, essentially, rather than being divided into "self" and "other" in relation to a physical form conceived of as being "mine."
And then, of course, separation (into apparent "self" and "others") reappears -- but in a more-transparent, playful way: as the ever-transforming dance of yin and yang, this and that .... simply for the sake of play, of a kind of cosmic theater, not to be taken all that seriously
The techniques of pranayama are aimed at devitalizing ida and pingala and at the same time opening up the sushumna nadi, allowing the prana to flow through this channel, experiencing great joy and freedom from the bondage of time, space and causation. Having opened up the sushumna nadi it rouses the sleeping serpent at the muladhara chakra and guides the tremendous energy activated upward along sushumna, piercing the six chakras, to the seventh chakra, called the sahasrara chakra, represented as a thousand petaled lotus at the crown of the head.
This arousal and ascent of the latent kundalini energy and its merging
in the sahasrara is synonymous with the union of cosmic potency,
or shako, with cosmic consciousness, or Shiva.
Merging one's individual soul, or atman,
with the cosmic soul, or Brahman.
Tibetan Guru teaches Tummo Practice - YouTube
▶ 1:32
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Stimulates Lungs (builds, strengthens and decongests), Stomach (promotes appetite, relieves gas, can be used to induce vomiting if toxins present), Tissues, Mammary Glands (produces milk);
Clears Kidney and Bladder (provokes urination), Colon (provokes defecation / clears constipation), Menstrual problems (provokes expulsion of menses), Stomach (induce vomiting up of toxic elements)
Depresses Parathyroid;
Energizes Thyroid;
Relieves Muscle cramps and spasms;
Builds Bones (calcium effect to help strengthen soft bones);
Removes Blood Clots and Cysts, helps against Anemia;
Heart tonic;
Helps Sclerotic processes (Arteriosclerosis, Cerebral and Coronary Sclerosis);
DO NOT use on Appendix (may rupture).
Expelling waste, toxins, and germs;
Loosening, Extracting, Melting, Eliminating, Cleansing, Explosive, Destructive.
Promotes Joy, Happiness, Ambition, Warmheartedness, Brightening, Cheering, Strengthening.
Overcomes Sleepiness, Discontentment, Pessimism, Psychosis, Depression, Fear (using orange alternated with blue), Disinclination to Work.
Helps a Dying Person extract their Spirit from the physical body.
Master Choa Kok Sui made important discoveries with the Orange vibration. Because of its power, the Orange vibration may pose a danger to sensitive organs such as the Brain and Eyes, so he avoided in most cases using it on the upper body, keeping it below the level of the heart and only energizing the lungs with Orange from the back of the body (not from the front)...
Peter Mandel used Orange to strengthen the Heart in cases of heart disease or weakness. He alternated application of Orange light with Blue light when treating the effects of a heart attack or angina pectoris, and also when clearing fear from a person. He also used Orange light to help persons who are chronically tired in the morning to be more awake and energized.
Enel also noted that Orange is a cardiac tonic. He found that the physical metal Gold is connected to the Orange Vibrational Band
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(¸.•´ LUZ ღ P-H-A-Z ღ A L O H A (¸.•`♡
N S 1. 28. 1. 17. Gama. Cristal. Mantra: HRAHA. Tercer Ojo. UPC KIN 12 (martes 11-8-2015)
PERRO: Acción: AMAR. Poder: CORAZÓN. Esencia: LEALTAD.
El Pórtico Cósmico, toma el vuelo mágico. Retorno magnético.
Día 362 de 812. El Perro coloca el broche de oro a la onda encantada del Espejo blanco. Trascendemos el sin fin con el amor y el corazón que el Perro nos proporciona. Nada mejor que el puro amor para que la humanidad realice los cambios tan necesarios en esta época de la historia del planeta. Al llegar energías más intensas y cargadas de amor, tanto los cuerpos como los espíritus vislumbran nuevos horizontes cargados de proyectos especiales antes nunca posibles. Los impregnamos con esperanza para que cuando salgan a la luz se puedan llevar a cabo y fructificar. Las demás dimensiones que el Espejo nos muestra se manifestarán ante nosotros, mostrándonos a los seres que desde sus lugares de origen se ocupan de protegernos y ayudarnos.
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Introversión, paz y silencio

La extroversión es lo que desperdicia nuestra energía y nos hace sentir débiles. En un estado de introversión pensamos menos y hablamos menos. Entonces tenemos la capacidad de poner en la acción lo que sea que pensemos y lo que necesitemos hacer.
La serenidad verdadera no se muestra tanto en la cara como en la profundidad y quietud de la mirada.
Si plantamos un semilla positiva y limpia de pensamientos y nos concentramos en ella, le damos energía al igual que el sol se la da a una semilla plantada en la tierra. Y al igual que la semilla en la tierra despierta, se mueve y empieza a crecer, los pensamientos en los que nos concentramos empiezan a desarrollarse y crecer. Así que sembremos pensamientos positivos. Cada mañana, antes de empezar el viaje del día, sentémonos tranquilamente, en silencio, y sembremos la semilla de la paz. La paz es nuestra fortaleza original, la eterna tranquilidad de nuestro ser.
No debemos darle permiso a la mente para alterarse. Una mente alterada se influencia fácilmente. El precio será perder la paz. Aprendamos a mantener nuestra paz liberándonos de los apegos. Competir o compararse con los demás no nos permitirá enfocarnos hacia el interior. Un enfoque interior nos permite mantener la visión en nuestro ser más elevado. Tenemos que recordar nuestra naturaleza original. Nos permite forjar un vínculo con Dios. Una mente calmada no es sólo pacífica, está enfocada, concentrada y llena de buenos deseos y sentimientos puros.
La paz no es una actitud pasiva, es un estado activo. Requiere una atención constante el vivir y responder como un ser pacífico ante cualquier trastorno de la vida.
La verdadera paz sólo se puede experimentar cuando dejamos de dar y de tomar pesar. Llenemos nuestra mente con paz y buenos sentimientos y así podremos compartir esa experiencia con otros. Permanezcamos llenos de paz internamente y esta paz alcanzará a las personas que amamos y finalmente al mundo entero.
Necesitamos aprender a crear silencio en nuestras mentes y entonces la paz florecerá en nuestras almas. Y es cuando experimentamos el silencio interior que podemos dejar que Dios entre en nuestros corazones y mentes y nos llene de amor, fortaleza y paz.
Brahma Kumaris
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Holographic Creation
"All of Creation is complete. The whole of Creation exist in every part"
Creativity is a perpetual unfoldment, however, the entire sum of all time, all space, all dimensions, while experienced In linear time, in actuality coexists in an infinite Eternal Now. Everything that exists, that has ever existed in physical, mental or ethereal forms exists in the Eternal Now. So nothing else can or will Ever be created, creation is complete. Everything is already created, we now have the joy of manifesting from creation.
The entire sum of all creation exists within you. It is of the purest purpose and most sacred destiny to become ever increasingly aware and intimately experience the wonder of being more and more of who you already are. Manifesting a glorious life, intimate love, unfolding ecstatic pleasures, beholding wonders, revealing age old mysteries and entering into the presence of Love itself is all within you, right now. This is an amazing truth.
You have everything you need to live in the experience and consciousness of divine life and manifest through your body the full expression of mind blowing Love. The Union you have longed for is within, the power to creatively manifest your heart's desire flows from your inner most being. You are the Treasure of Heaven.
Your history does not define you and never has. You are from the Beginning, the same Presence that created all there is, is all and completely within you. Your history is just a story of what you have discovered so far. You are ever unfolding. Family cannot define you. Past relationships cannot define you. Your failures and victories do not define you. You are from the Beginning.
Imagine for a moment all your stories dissolving before you, your history released, your beliefs, your biases let go. Just you and the presence of Love. How beautiful. How wonderful. Just imagine what could be.
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In spiritual work, understanding in itself has the capacity to bring about change. It acts as a catalyst and opens new ways of looking at things. It brings about growth and spiritual advancement. As spiritual growth continues, old styles of thinking and contextualizing are surrendered and accompanied by the joy of new discoveries. Anger at the absurdities of life is now replaced by laughter, and what a lot of the world bemoans and makes much of as melodrama is now seen as comical. Spiritual teachings need to be accepted to become integrated. Resistance comes from the ego, which lacks humility and which, out of pride, resents being 'wrong'. It is better to realize that one is not giving up wrong views but instead is adopting better ones. That peace is better than war and that love is better than hate makes sense to the intellect, but the ego may rebel at giving up its favorite hate and justified resentments.
There is a multitude of millions of people on the planet, whole cultures and societies, whose only theme and reason for survival is hate. Their entire society is based around revenge and the duality of victim and perpetrator. Whole areas of the world are devoted to the expressions of hatred which are constantly rejustified by reiterating the distant past. In society, there is no dearth of justifications for hatreds. One can always cite long-dead ancestors and justify hatred toward their ancient enemies. This can even be seen as heroic, patriotic, laudable, or politically correct.
Letting go of the old is facilitated by willingness, courage, and faith. Spiritual progress literally benefits all mankind in that it raises the general level of consciousness. Even one iota makes a difference.
Another obstacle to spiritual growth is impatience. This can be overcome only by surrender.
A general orientation and a technique have been described elsewhere. We may think that thoughts are connected together by associations or some other seemingly plausible psychological explanation. By observation, however, one will note that, on the contrary, thoughts are occurring in a senseless, random fashion. They jump from one subject to another, with no real connection to each other at all. The thought stream is usually described from the limits of the Newtonian linear paradigm that imputes causality where none exists in reality. Thoughts appear to be random, nonlinear, and chaotic, with no calculable predictability. They seem to be haphazard. Despite laudable efforts, there is really no verifiable explanation for thoughts, images, concepts, memories, fantasies, feelings, hopes, or fears, and the content of mind refuses to be controlled. The sum stratum of mind, the matrix of thinkingness, is the constant production by thinking-ness that prompts an endless succession of thoughts. These are purposely interjected to prevent all possibility of silence. The more one attempts to control it, the more it plays tricks, becomes rebellious, refuses to be controlled, and appears to be untamable.
From: "The Eye of the I: From Which Nothing is Hidden" (2002), Chapter 8: Beyond Causality—Consciousness: The Way to God, pp. 120–122
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Ist jede Krankheit heilbar? werde ich oft gefragt.
Im Prinzip Ja, muss ich ehrlicher Weise antworten, denn jede Krankheit findet ihren eigentlichen Sinn darin, uns eine Botschaft für unsere charakterliche Weiterentwicklung zu vermitteln. Schmerzen sind lauter als Gewissensbisse, denen man nicht gerecht wurde. Ich kenne keine einzige Heilung ohne eine einhergehende Lebensveränderung. Manchmal heißt es deshalb „Leiden ist leichter als Lernen" Insofern ist nicht jede Krankheit heilbar. Manche verschieben das Lernen auf's nächste Leben. Das ist aber auch nicht zu verurteilen, denn die unsterbliche Seele hat unendlich Geduld mit uns. Es ist mehr die Frage an uns, wann wir mit unseren ewigen Kompromissen keine Geduld mehr haben und die innerlich schon immer gesüßten Schritte vollziehen. Klar, dass die Existenzangst uns da immer wieder ausbremst. Diese Angst ist aber ein Mangel an Vertrauen in meine Unsterblichkeit. Selbst wenn mein Körper schon am Ende ist, kann ich noch Schritte unternehmen, die sich auf die Zukunft selbstverständlich auswirken, die ich in meiner nächsten Form (Körper) erleben werde. Mit dem Bewusstsein für die Kontinuität meines Lebens, lässt sich sehr viel leichter heilen. Clemens Kuby
3 palabras te pueden arruinar la vida…. está usted despedido….
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Sushumna Nadi - Chong Mai
The "Axis Mundi" Of The Yogic Body
Elizabeth Reninger Taoism Expert
The Axis Mundi of the yogic body, the Sushumna Nadi -- known in Taoist parlance as the Chong Mai or Penetrating Vessel -- is arguably the most important of the Eight Extraordinary Meridians, which together represent the human body's deepest, most primordial level of energetic functioning.
In relation to the physical form, the Sushumna / Chong flows slightly anterior and parallel to the spinal column, from the pelvic floor (Hui Yin/REN1) to the crown of the head (Bai Hui/DU20).
[Note: in certain Chinese Medical contexts, the Chong's trajectory is described differently.]
In relation to the energetic matrix within which the physical form appears, the Sushumna / Chong is the central portion of a torus-shaped energy-body, which encapsulates the physical in a way similar to how an egg contains a chick, or a womb contains an embryo. The fountain-like flow of energy up the central channel of the Sushumna expands at the crown of the head (like a "thousand-petaled lotus") -- before cascading down (in a 360-degree arc) to join once again at the root of the channel (the pelvic floor), where the cycle continues.
Whereas the twelve main meridians are conduits for life-force energy (qi/chi) associated with our everyday dualistic space/time experience, the Sushumna Nadi carries the nondual energy of Primordial Consciousness: a more refined, purified and primordial (or "prenatal") form of qi.
In the Tibetan yogic tradition, the light or energy that flows through the central channel is known as "wisdom air" -- and is believed to correspond to the very subtle mind (which transcends space/time, i.e.
is nondual & nonconceptual).
As I've written elsewhere:
"The third level of mind is known as the "very subtle level" or the extraordinary level -- which exists ontologically prior to the space/time matrix of our ordinary (coarse & subtle) mental continuum. It is within this very subtle level that abide, and can (by a skilled meditator) be perceived, various karmic propensities/probabilities or "seeds" -- the deepest level of "transpersonal" conditioning -- along with the "birthing" of these karmic seeds into a particular space/time expression."
(Some have suggested this "very subtle mind" -- and the corresponding "energy" of the Sushumna nadi -- to be an energetic correlate to what in western medicine/science is known as our "genetic imprinting," i.e. that which somehow transcends the appearance of a bodymind's single lifetime.)
In relation to Taoist yoga practice (qigong, taiji etc.), it's useful to conceive of the Sushumna Nadi / Chong Mai as a portal, more than as a destination. In other words, allowing awareness to flow within the so-called "central channel" can be a means of transcending dualistic identification of all sorts, including (fundamentally!) the identification with a specific physical body, with a specific space/time location. But this "works" only to the extent that, at some point -- after it has served its purpose -- we are able to dissolve the visualized location of the "central channel" -- in relation to our physical form. Otherwise, the Sushumana Nadi can become simply a subtle reification of our notion of ourselves as being a separate, permanent "form" (albeit a subtle one).
As Thinley Norbu, in White Sail, writes:
"Wisdom air has no limitation of substantial form, but because practitioners have karmic air and the habit of form, the central channel is generally visualized as the size of the shaft of an arrow."
So: we initially visualize the "central channel" in relation to our (also-visualized in the sense of "projected") physical form. Given the structure of the human subtle body, and its relationship to the physical nervous system, this somehow functions as a skillful means, to awaken nondual awareness, i.e. a felt awareness as ourselves as Tao.
Once the visualization has served this purpose, the practice then finds its completion in the dissolving of the visualized "central channel" along with the "physical form" that served as its initial point of reference. This leaves us with the entire (also-projected) "universe" as our "body" -- all appearances experienced as arising within who-we-are, essentially, rather than being divided into "self" and "other" in relation to a physical form conceived of as being "mine."
And then, of course, separation (into apparent "self" and "others") reappears -- but in a more-transparent, playful way: as the ever-transforming dance of yin and yang, this and that .... simply for the sake of play, of a kind of cosmic theater, not to be taken all that seriously
The techniques of pranayama are aimed at devitalizing ida and pingala and at the same time opening up the sushumna nadi, allowing the prana to flow through this channel, experiencing great joy and freedom from the bondage of time, space and causation. Having opened up the sushumna nadi it rouses the sleeping serpent at the muladhara chakra and guides the tremendous energy activated upward along sushumna, piercing the six chakras, to the seventh chakra, called the sahasrara chakra, represented as a thousand petaled lotus at the crown of the head.
This arousal and ascent of the latent kundalini energy and its merging
in the sahasrara is synonymous with the union of cosmic potency,
or shako, with cosmic consciousness, or Shiva.
Merging one's individual soul, or atman,
with the cosmic soul, or Brahman.
Tibetan Guru teaches Tummo Practice - YouTube
▶ 1:32
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