
viernes, 28 de agosto de 2015

Full Calibration List by David R. Hawkins

"The first doubt block to be overcome is the startling discovery that the truth about anything whatsoever is readily available in a few seconds just for the asking. The normal response to this is disbelief, followed by paradigm shock, but then, curiosity pervails. The whole universe awaits discovery on a new level of understanding, out of which arise compassion and wisdom."

~David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.

Full Calibration List

GodGod, the Father, the Creator, the AlmightyInfinity
ArchangelsArchangels go up to 500.00050.000
JesusThe Christ, son of God, avatar1.000
LevelThe Absolute, Brahman, Christ consciousness, level of avatars1.000
BuddhaSiddhartha Gautama Buddha, indian avatar1.000
Ahura MazdaName for god in Zoroastrianism1.000
StatementLife cannot be destroyed, it can only change form1.000
KrishnaIndian god and avatar1.000
StatementCreation and Evolution are one and the same reality1.000
StatementConsciousness is the irreducible stratum of all that exists1.000
I, Reality and SubjectivityThird book by David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.999
StatementNothing causes anything999
StatementJudgement day is every day999
KarmaConcept of a spiritual Ego999
StatementThe circumstances of birth and life are karmically perfect998
DhyanaAlso Jhana, buddhist phrasing for meditation from vedas philosophy985
The Eye of The ISecond book by David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.980
OmAs a name of God975
VedasHindu philosophical teaching970
UpanishadsHindu philosophical teaching970
Transcending the Levels of ConsciousnessFourth book by David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.965
Buddha`s Law of Dependent Origination or
Mahayana buddhismWorld Religion960
Huang Po(770-850 A.D.) chinese zen buddhist master960
Sermon on the MountSermon in the New Testament955
TrinityChristian theological concept945
StatementNo one comes to the Father, but by me940
Truth vs. FalsehoodFifth book by David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.935
Raja YogaIndian-hindu yogic philosophy930
Saint John the Baptist(6 B.C.-36 A.D.) holy man, sermonizer, enunciator of Jesus930
Karma YogaYoga of selfless service from indian yogic philosophy915
Bhagavad-GitaHoly scripture of hindu religion910
Relics of PetrusFirst apostle of Jesus, under floor of the Basilica in Rome910
MosesEgyptian drafter of the five books of Mose910
Apostle JohnChristian apostle of Jesus910
The Twelve ApostleConsciousness of the apostle of Jesus Christ, going from 905-990905
ZoharMystic scripture based on the book Kabbala905
Relics of the BuddhaCarried through the world by the Maitreya Project905
Avowal of NicaeaAcknowledgement to Jesus Christ 325 A.D.895
Zen BuddhismWorld Religion890
Hinayana buddhismWorld Religion890
Lamsa bibleTranslation of the bible by George Lamsa from the aramaic 880
LevelThe void, state of nothingness, reality as awareness, full enlightenment, attributes of: omnipresence, omniscience, omnipotence850
Map of consciousnessConceived by David R. Hawkins M.D., Ph.D840
ChristianityBefore council of Nicaea 325 A.D.840
DhammapadaAnthology of sayings from the Buddha840
SamadhiAsamprajnata Nirvikalpa Nirbija Smadhi800
BodhidharmaIndian Prince, buddhist zen monch from China795
New TestamentHoly scripture, book, without revelation, King James translation790
Westminster AbbeyChristian cathedral in London790
Notre DameCathedral, France790
ChartresCathedral, France790
Lotus SutraHoly scripture, book780
Heart SutraHoly scripture, book780
Great Buddha of KyotoGiant buddha statue in Japan, building780
Mahatma Gandhi1869-1948 indian hindu sage760
Relics of Christian SaintsSpread worldwide750
LevelSelf as Allness, Turiya750
New TestamentLamsa Translation750
Saint Paulus of TarsusChristian Apostle of Jesus745
YogasutraHoly scripture, book, from Pantanjali740
Omhindu buddhist mantra740
Master Dogen(1200-1253), japanese zen buddhist740
Adi Shankaracharya(788-820) indian hindu teacher of advaita740
PlotinGreek philosopher, as a realized spiritual being730
Rabbi Moses de LeonJewish rabbi720
KoranHoly scripture of Islam, book720
Sri Ramana MaharshiEnlightened indian-hindu sage720
Sri Nisargadatta MaharajEnlightened hindu sage720
AlhambraCastle in Spain720
Pantanjali150-200 B.C., indian hindu sage715
Teresa of Avila(1515-1582) spanish, catholic sage715
ConstitutionOf the United States of America710
Basilica of Saint PeterIn Rome, building710
Sri Adi SankaracharyaHindu philosopher and mystic, sage710
Mother Teresa(1910-1997) indian catholic missionary710
Cloud of UnknowingMystic scripture, book705
Declaration of independenceJuly fourth, 1776, Thomas Jefferson705
RigvedaHindu holy scripture, book705
Master Eckhart(1260-1328) german sage and mystic705
SufismWorld Religion700
Alleluja and KyrieMusic by Robert Gass700
The Big BlueOriginal: Le Grand Bleu, Movie 1988700
Universal RightsHuman dignity, right for freedom700
Diamond SutraHoly scripture, book700
RembrandtDutch painter, the work of700
Om mani padme humBuddhist mantra700
Statement' I am myself, heaven and hell'700
Gospel of LukasNew Testament, holy scripture, book699
Kashyapa(9.000 B.C.) buddha, indian monk695
LevelSelf as Existence680
ChristmasChristian festivity, idea of Peace for Humanity675
MidrashReligious scripture of Judaism, book665
MishnaReligious scripture of Judaism, book665
Gospel of ThomasNew Testament, holy scripture, book660
GenesisLamsa Translation, book of Moses660
Swami Muktananda(1908-1982) indian hindu sage655
Abhinavagupta(~950-1020 A.D.) indian mystic and sage655
PsalmsOld Testament, Lamsa Translation650
Level I am, absolutism650
Om Shanti Shanti ShantiHindu mantra650
Lord's PrayerChristian prayer650
Canon in DMusic by Johann Pachelbel645
HaggadahHebrew text from the Talmund645
New TestamentWith revelation, King James translation640
StupaTibetan-buddhist building640
Bill of RightsBy James Madison, from the U.S. constitution640
Johannes Tauler(1300-1361) german mystic and sage640
Mechthild von Magdeburg(1207-1282) german mystic and sage640
Vijnana BhairavaHindu scripture, book635
Om Namah ShivayaMantra630
Rangjung Rigpe Dorje(1924-1981) 16. Karmapa630
Shangri-LaFictional place, as concept in the film Lost Horizon625
Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa(1836-1886) indian-hindu sage620
Lao Tzu(604-531 B.C.) chinese sage610
Swami Vivekananda(1863-1902) indian-hindu sage610
San Juan de la Cruzwork605
KabbalaScripture, book605
E Pluribus Unum'Out of many, one', Great Seal of the United States605
Kinesiologic muscle testNon-physiological response to the field of consciousness itself605
HasidismJewish movement605
Sri Swami Satchidananda(1914-2002) indian-hindu sage605
San Juan de la Cruz(1542-1591) spanish sage605
A Course in MiraclesWorkbook600
Master EckhartWork600
LevelPeace, Oneness, Illumination, Enlightenment, Experience as the witness600
StonehengeWilthire, Great Britain599
Dannion BrinkleyNear death experiencer, speaker595
Gregorian ChantsMusic595
Padmasambhava(800-900 A.D.) Sage595
Chuang Tzu(365-290 B.C.) chinese philosopher595
Michelangelo BuanarrotiWork590
PietaSculpture from Michelangelo590
Saint PatrickIrish missionary590
Confucious(551-479 B.C.) chinese sage and philosopher590
Louis Armstrong(1901-1971) U.S. american singer590
Father Pio(1887-1968) italian catholic monk585
PrayerFrom Saint Francis of Assisi580
Joseph Carey Merrick(1862-1890) 'Elephant Man'580
Jean Cauvin(1509-1564) french theologist580
Martin Luther(1483-1546) german reformer580
LevelSurrender, process on surrendering to God575
Amazing GraceMusic by John Newton575
Ave MariaMusic575
Silent Night, holy nightMusic575
Joy to the WorldMusic575
Tibetan Book of the DeadBy Padmasambhava, book575
The Practice of the Presence of GodBy Brother Lawrence, book575
Brother Lawrence of the ResurrectionBrother in a carmelite monastery, sage575
Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche(1910-1991) tibetan sage575
The Book of KellsHoly scripture from Scottland, book570
Pope Joseph RatzingerHead of church from 2005-2013570
LevelBeauty, Perfection, Level of healing, siddhis and miracles570
Tenzin Gyatso14. Dalai Lama, nobel prize winner570
Pope John Paul II(1920-2005) head of church from 1978-2005570
Samartha Ramdas(1608-1681) indian-hindu sage570
Thomas Aquinas(1225-1274) italian priest570
Leonardo da VinciWork565
Roshi Shunryu Suzuki(1905-1971) japanese zen monk565
Abraham Lincoln(1809-1865) 16. U.S. american president565
Collective UnconsciousTerm by C.G.Jung560
White BrotherhoodSpiritual community560
Glamour: A World ProblemBy Alice Bailey, book560
Sweat Lodge ceremonyAs practice by the aborigines in America560
Jakob Boehme(1575-1624) german mystic558
JudaismWorld Religion555
Swami PrabhavanandaWork550
A Course in MiraclesText book version550
Angkor WatTemple in Cambodia550
Dschalal ad-Din RumiPersian poet550
Brother Sun, Sister MoonMovie about Francis of Assisi550
ToraHoly scripture of Judaism, book550
Social EqualityAs in the U.S. constitution550
Saint Augustinus von Hippo(354-430) algerian bishop550
Giacomo Puccini(1858-1924) italian musician550
Orthodox JudaismReligion545
Gopi Krishna(1903-1984) indian yogi545
Charles DickensWork, books540
Alcoholics AnonymousRecovering addicts foundation, short AA540
12 step self-help groupsMovement worldwide for recovering addicts540
Bill WilsonFounder of Alcoholics Anonymous540
Socrates(469-399 B.C.) greek philosopher540
George Harrison(1943-2001), work of, music540
Paramahansa Yogananda(1893-1952) indian-hindu sage540
Carl Gustav Jung(1875-1961) swiss psychotherapist540
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart(1756-1791), work of, classical music540
LevelFaith, liturgy and valor535
ChristmasEnergy of giving535
Swami Shri Yukteswar Giri(1855-1936) indian-hindu yogi and sage, teacher of Paramahansa Yogananda535
Johann Sebastian BachClassical music, work of530
Martin Buber(1878-1965) religious researcher530
Annie Besant(1847-1933) theosophist530
Jesus PrayerPrayer525
Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-PowellFounder of international scout movement525
Henri Matisse(1869-1954) french painter, work of525
Bathing in the GangesAs a spiritual practice, river in India520
LevelNear death experiences520
PatriotismLove for ones country520
PyramidsIn Egypt520
Sri Poonja-Ji HWI(1910-1997) indian-hindu sage520
Helen Keller(1880-1968), societal influence of520
Carl Gustav Jung(1875-1961) swiss psychotherapist520
Founding fathersSignatories of U.S. constitution515
Gnostic ChristianityReligion515
Tantric buddhismReligion515
Rosary PrayerPrayer515
ThanksgivingNational holiday (U.S.)515
SantanaMusic by Carlos Santana515
Jonathan Livingston SeagullMovie, 1976515
HanukkahJewish fest515
Thomas Feverel Merton(1915-1968) monk, poet, writer515
Charles Fillmore(1854-1948) co-founder of Unity Church of Christianity movement515
Origenes(185-253 A.D.) greek theologist515
Unity VillageVillage, place510
Sacrificing one's life for anothersVerb510
Oprah Winfrey ShowTV-Show510
Dzogchen RinpocheTradition of tibetan buddhism, religion510
Kundalini yogaSpiritual practice510
National anthemOf the United States of America510
The Stars and StripesNational flag of the United States of America510
Bee GeesMusic band510
FreemansonryFraternal organisation510
Macchu PiccuBuilding, place in Peru510
LourdesBuilding in France510
Book of MormonBook510
Pledge of AllegianceAllegiance to the country and flag (U.S.)510
Jean Klein(1916-1998) teacher, healer510
Winston Churchill(1874-1965) british Prime Minister of the United Kingdom510
Joseph Smith(1805-1844) founder of mormonism510
Ludwig van Beethoven(1770-1827), music of510
Georg Friedrich Haendel(1685-1759) german musician510
Peter Paul Rubens(1577-1640), work of510
David Bohm(1917-1992) quantum physicist507
David BohmWork505
LevelValor, courage to be oneself505
Barry ManilowU.S. singer505
Nelson MandelaSocietal influence505
Johnny Cash(1932-2003) music of505
Eric Hoffer(1902-1983) philosopher writer505
Madam Marie Curie(1867-1934) french chemist, Nobel Prize winner in Physics and Chemistry505
James Allen(1864-1912) philosophic writer505
William Jennings Bryan(1860-1925) foreign minister505
Dante Alighierl(1265-1321) italian writer505
Bob DylanU.S. singer, music of504
Johnny CashU.S. singer504
PlotinWork, as an author503
GnosisGroup of religious teachings503
ChatresCathedral, France503
Saint Augustine of Hippo Regius(354-430 A.D.) algerian bishop 503
Ronald Reagan(1911-2004) 40. president of the United States, societal iinfluence of502
TaoismWorld Religion500
Aborigines of AmericaTeachings of500
AngelsSupernatural being or spirit, 500 upwards500
Vincente Fox QuesadaPresident of Mexico from 2000-2006, highest LOC for president till date500
Templeton FoundationPhilantrophic foundation for religious research and discoveries500
Michail GorbatchowNobel Peace Prize winner, 1990500
Louis ArmstrongMusic, 500 upwards500
LevelLove, revelation, forgiveness, reverence, life as synchronicity500
RiverdanceIrish music band500
Doctors Without BordersInternational doctors help organisation500
Statue of LibertyBuilding, Liberty Island, New York500
Library of the VaticanBuilding located in Rome, Italy500
Christian sacramentsBaptism, confirmation, unction500
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin(1881-1955) french philosopher, theologist500
Arthur Neville Chamberlain(1849-1940) Intention Second World War500
Frederic Chopin(1810-1849) french musician500
William Shakespeare(1564-1616) english writer, books of500
Cat's purr
ChristianityAfter council of Nicaea 325 A.D.485
Positive thinkingDualistic method of thought499
LevelMastery of the intellect, end of linear thinking and that reality is measurable and provable, famous scientists499
Sigmund Freud(1856-1939) founder of psychoanalytics499
Albert Einstein(1879-1955) physicist, Nobel Prize winner499
Isaac Newton(1643-1727) english physicist499
Stephen HawkingBritish mathematician and astrophysicist499
The Universe in a NutshellBook from Stephen Hawking499
Franklin D. Roosevelt(1882-1945) 32. american president499
Black Elk(1863-1950) medicine man499
Mona LisaPainting from Leonardo da Vinci499
Aristoteles(384-422 B.C.) greek philosopher498
Eric Butterworth(1961-2003) priest498
Differential CalculusField in mathematics498
RamadanIslamic period of fasting495
PassahJewish fest495
MosquePlace of Prayer495
Johannes BrahmsMusic of495
Harry S. Truman33. US american president495
Janis ChoplinUS american singer495
Tibetan buddhismWorld Religion490
Sir William Wallace of Elderslie(1270-1305) freedom fighter490
Rene Descartes(1596-1650) french philosopher490
Franz Liszt(1811-1886) hungarian musician and composer490
William James(1842-1910) US american doctor and philosopher490
Ernst Mach(1838-1916) physicist and philosopher490
Ken WilberPhilosopher490
Sedona methodMethod of stress reduction490
World CupLevel of mastery in sports490
AttitudeTo call a spade a spade490
Platon(427-347 B.C.) greek philosopher485
Francis Bacon(1561-1626) british writer and philosopher485
Sai Baba (Shridi)(1838-1918) indian fakir485
C. W. Leadbeater(1854-1934) british theosophist485
Theology480 - 485. The study of God, or a god, or gods, and the truthfulness of religion in general480
Baruch de Spinoza(1632-1677) dutch philosopher480
Emanuel Swedenborg(1688-1772) swedish scientist, scholar, inventor, philosopher, theologian, writer480
Vincent Willem van Gogh(1853-1890) paintings of, dutch painter, father of modern painting480
Paul Tillich(1886-1965) US American protestant theologian (dogmatist) of german origin480
Joel S. Goldsmith(1892-1964) US American Christian mystic, New Thought Author, Teacher, spiritual healer, founder of the Infinite Way movement480
Faisal ibn Abd al-Aziz(1906-1975) King of Saudi Arabia480
Thomas Sowell, Ph.D.(*1930) US-American Professor economics, Cornell University, Brandeis University, UCLA, social critic, political commentator, Fellow of the Hoover Institution, since 1980, Author480
Condoleezza Rice(*1954) afro-american US-Secretary of State, first black in second highest political office of the US480
Intelligent Design TheoryTheory of creation und critic of evolutionary theory, see also creationism LOC 200480
I am, therefore I think(Descartes paraphrased) reversed cartesian thought form480
Might (Power) is the driving forcescientific theory of the engineer with greek origin Efthimios Harokopos (2005)480
Durga PujaHindu festival. Durga Puja festival marks the victory of Goddess Durga over the evil buffalo demon Mahishasura. Thus, Durga Puja festival epitomises the victory of Good over Evil.480
Supreme Court of the United StatesHighest court in the US480
Street artistsGroups of artists who perform on the streets480
Rabindranath Tagore(1861-1941) indian-Bengali philosopher, painter, musician, poet, writer, Nobel Price winner in literature 1913475
Rudolf Steiner(1861-1925) crotian-Austrian benefactor of Anthroposophy, mystic, cultural philosopher, architect, literary critic, social reformer475
Thomas Hobbes(1588-1679) english mathematician, political philosopher (theory of absolutism) [also calibrated at LOC 465]475
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck(1858-1947) german theoretical physicist, founder of phys. quantum theory, Nobel Price Winner physics 1918475
Gangaji(*1942) US-American spiritual Advaita teacher, author475
M. Scott Peck(1936-2005) US-American psychiatrist, psychotherapist, author475
SubudReligious community470
RationalismPhilosophical world view470
Euripides(480 or 485/484-406 BC) greek philosopher, writer470
John Locke(1632-1704) english philosopher470
John Milton(1608-1674) british writer470
Johannes Kepler(1571-1630) german astronomer470
Thomas Alva Edison(1847-1931) US-American inventor of electricity, light bulb, scientist, business man470
Emmett Fox(1886-1951) irish new thought teacher, author470
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegelwork of, german philosopher (idealism)470
Nat King Cole(1919-1965) US-American singer, pianist and jazz musician470
SethThe books, channeled work from Jane Roberts, (1929-1984) US-American psychic of the spiritual being Seth470
Great Books of the Wester WorldBook collection from Mortimer J. Adler excluding the work of Karl Marx. Including the work of Karl Marx, the collection calibrates at 450.468
LevelScientific methodology, reasoning465
Heisenberg uncertainty principleAlso called Heisenberg indeterminacy principle465
Sophokles(496-406/405 BC) classic greek poet465
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe(1749-1832) german author, playwrighter, polymath465
Blaise Pascal(1623-1662) frensh mathematician, physicist, philosopher, writer465
Jean Jacques Rousseau(1712-1778) swiss/french enlightenment philosopher, pioneer of the french revolution, philosopher, scientist465
William Shakespeare(1564-1616) english playwrighter, poet465
Bertrand Russell(1872-1970) english scientist, philosopher, Nobel Price winner in literature, 1950465
Hans Holbein the ElderPaintings of, (about 1465-1524) german painter465
Fjodor Michailowitsch Dostojewski(1821-1881) russian writer465
Encyclopedia BritannicaEncyclopedia465
Ella FitzgeraldMusic of, (1917-1996) US-American jazz singer (Blues & Jazz) 465
LevelIntellectual excellence460
GodAs intellectual concept, philosophy460
JahvehAs term, Yahveh, Yahweh, Yewah460
Attractor fields, nonlinear dynamicsScientific theory460
Biofield, auraScientific theory460
Morphogenetic fieldsPerson and scientific theory of, by Rupert Sheldrake460
CausalityScientific theory, based on the Newtonian Paradigm, also calibrated at 426460
LevelRequired level for the presidential office of the USA (calibrated 2004)460
HeartMath InstituteUS-American research institution for the intelligence of the heart460
Catholic ChurchAs institution, 1900 A.D.460
International Society for Krishna ConsciHindu community460
Lamchen Rinpoche GyalpoRepresentative of a lineage of masters from Tibetan buddhism460
Plutarch(45/46-120/125 AD) greek author; priest460
Edmond Halley(1656-1742) english astronomer460
Immanuel Kant(1724-1804) german philosopher of the historical age of enlightenment460
George Boole(1815-1864) english autodidact, mathematician, philosopher460
Gregor Mendel(1822-1884) german biologist, discovered the laws of inheritance460
Nikola Tesla(1856-1943) US-American physicist, inventor460
Evelyn Underhill(1875-1941) catholic theoligical author 460
Sir Arthur Eddington(1882-1944) british astronomer460
Thich Nhat Hanh(*1926) Vietnamese buddhist monk, living in France460
Colin Powell(*1937) 65. US-American statesman, 4-Star general, state secretary (2001-2005)460
Lily Tomlin(*1939) US-American actor, comedian, author460
George W. BushHis attitude in the presidential office (calibrated 2002/2003), (*1943) 43. US-American president460
BeatlesBritish music band460
BeatlesMusic of, (1917-1996) US-American jazz singer (Blues & Jazz) 460
Charles Darwin(1809-1882) founder of the evolutionary theory, british biologist455
Homer(*towards the end of 8th Century BC) roman author455
Archimedes(287-212 BC) greek mathematician, scientist455
Adam Smith(1723-1790) a Scottish moral philosopher and a pioneer of political economy455
George Washington(1732-1799) first US president455
Dwight D. EisenhowerInfluence of, (1890-1969) 34. US president (1953-1961), Five-Star-General of the US Army455
Nicolaus Copernicus(1473-1543) a Renaissance mathematician and astronomer who formulated a heliocentric model of the universe which placed the Sun, rather than the Earth, at the center455
Enrico Fermi(1901-1954) an italian theoretical and experimental physicist, best known for his work on the development of the first nuclear reactor,455
Galileo Galilei(1564-1642) an Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher455
Kurt Goedel(1906-1978) an austrian american logician, mathematician, and philosopher455
Jonas Salk(1914-1995) an american medical researcher and virologist, best known for his discovery and development of the first successful polio vaccine455
Charles Proteus Steinmetz(1865-1923) american electrical engineer455
Arjuna Ardagh(calibrated 2003), British/American spiritual teacher455
Tetsugen Bernard Glassman(*1939) US-American zen master455
Trinity CollegeUniversity, Dublin, Ireland455
E=mc^2Scientific theory, equation of the theory of relativity from Albert Einstein455
Black holes theoryScientific theory, from Stephen Hawking 2004455
Chaos theoryScientific theory, part of physics and mathematics455
Collective unconsciousScientific theory, from C. G. Jung, swiss psychiatrist455
Global warmingScientific theory, caused by cyclic magnetic fields emanating from the surface of the sun455
Eagle ScoutsHighest rank attainable in the Boy Scouting program of the Boy Scouts of America455
Spiritual GuideFrom the celestial realms, 450 and upwards450
LevelScience 450-460450
LevelNewtonian Paradigm world view that is based on the principle of causality (cause and effect), 450-499450
AttitudeAttitude of forgiving and forgetting450
OligarchyForm of government, also calibrateed at 420450
National Geographic ChannelAmerican subscription channel, that airs non-fiction television programs450
Galen of Pergamon(129/131-199/216 AD) roman doctor, also calibrated at 475450
Napoleon Bonaparte(1769-1821) before crowning himself emperor in 1804, then dropped to 175 and 75450
Niels Bohr(1885-1962) danish nuclear physicist, nobel price winner physics 1922450
Duke EllingtonMusic of, (1899-1974) American Jazz musician450
Linus Pauling(1901-1994) american chemist, biochemist, peace activist, author, and educator450
Joe the plumberAmerican conservative activist and commentator450
Adolf HitlerHis ability to influence the history of Europe in the 20th century450
LevelAverage level of the presidential office (US) (calibrated 2004)450
Scout MovementInternational youth organisation450
SoccerSport (brit. football)450
TennisPlayoffs in Wimbledon450
LevelLearning foreign languages450
MathematicsScientific theory, field of study450
Druidmember of the priestly class in Britain, Ireland, and Gaul (France), and possibly other parts of Celtic Europe450
Top hospitals in the US
Aristophanes(About 446-386 B.C.) a comic playwright of ancient Athens445
Publius Vergilius Maro(70-19 BC) significant roman poet445
Marcus AureliusLiterature of, (121-180 A.D.) roman emperor, philosopher445
Alice A. Bailey(1880-1949) a writer and theosophist in what she termed 'Ageless Wisdom'445
R. Buckminster Fuller(1895-1983) american architect, systems theorist, author, designer, inventor, and futurist.445
Bernadette Roberts(*1931) a former carmelite nun and a contemplative in the catholic tradition445
Ruprecht-Karls-UniversityHeidelberg, Germany, oldest university of Germany445
Harvard Medical SchoolMedical faculty of the university of Harvard, Boston, USA 445
Complementary medicineField of study, combination of conventional medical practice with alternative medicine440
Internal medicineField of study 440
SurgerySurgical intervention440
PsychiatryBranch of medicine that subjectively diagnoses, treats, and studies mental illness and behavioural conditions440
Colleges (USA)An institution of higher education teaching undergraduates. (2008, dropped down)440
Euclid(~365-~300 BC) greek mathematician440
Herodotus(~484-~424 BC) greek historian, geographer440
Niccolo MachiavelliLiterature of, (1469-1527 AD) diplomat from Florence, political philosopher440
Oscar WildeLiterature of, (1854-1900 AD) irish poet440
James JoyceLiterature of, (1882-1941 AD) influential irish poet440
Stauffenberg(1907-1944 AD) a german army officer and aristocrat who was one of the leading members of the failed 20 July plot of 1944 to assassinate Adolf Hitler 440
DNA double helix modelScientific Theory, discovered by Francis Crick and James Watson in 1953440
JesuitsChristian male religious order of the Roman Catholic Church440
US governmentcalibrated 2004440
AltruismPrinciple and practice of selflessness435
LevelLearning to write with the other hand435
Fran?ois Rabelais(1494-1553) french doctor, mon, poet435
The Wall Street JournalInternational newspaper from New York435
Ptolemy(~100-~175 AD) greek mathematician, philosopher, astronomer435
Oxford UniversityElite university in London435
I ChingAlso 'Book of Changes', Philosophy of ancient China430
Epictetus(about 50-138 AD) greek stoik philosopher430
Miguel de Cervantes(1547-1616) spanish author, national poet of spain430
John F. Kennedy(1917-1963) 35th US President, murdered430
StatesmanLevel (with good will)430
Elvis Presley(1935-1977) US singer and actor430
Christian Science MonitorUS newspaper, published by Christian Science Publishing Society in Boston425
AeschylusLiterature, work of, (525-456 BC) greek playwright425
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel(1770-1831) German philosopher of german Idealism (his work calibrates at 470)425
Douglas McArthur(1880-1964) US Army general in World War 2 and Korean War425
Position of manIn the USA425
US population
William 'Bill' McGuire Bryson(*1951) US humorist, journalist, author420
Psychiatric officeDoctor's office of psychoanalysts in the US, calibrations vary from 420 to 506 depending on office420
Apollonius of Rhodos(295-215 BC) greek poet420
Publius Cornelius Tacitus[Gaius] (58-~120 AD) important roman historian, senator of the Roman Empire420
Arthur Wellesley, 1. Duke of Wellington(1769-1852) british field marshall, winner in the battle of Waterloo, british Prime Minister420
Leo Tolstoi(1828-1910) russian author, his work calibrates at 455420
Nathaniel BrandenUS psychotherapist, 'Psychology and Self Esteem'420
Alice's Adventures in WonderlandIs an 1865 novel. Written by english author Lewis Carrol420
Michael FaradayScientific work of, (1791-1867) english physicist, Faraday himself calibrates at 440415
BethlehemAt the time of birth of Jesus Christ, since then fallen to 175415
Sorbonneelite university in Paris, France415
DemocracyForm of government410
Christian ScienceReligious direction of the new thought movement, founded 1866 by Mary Baker Eddy410
Joseph CampbellPh. D. (1904-1987) US mythologist, author, religious scholar410
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi[Maharishi] (1918-2008) Indian Hindu Guru, vedic author, created transcendental meditation410
Kung FuChinese Martial Art410
Feldenkrais MethodBodily workout to optimize movements and action patterns410
BridgeCard game410
AppleThe TV commercials of Aplle Computer (USA)410
EbayThe TV commercials of Ebay (USA)410
RationalityMethod of thought405
Joseph FourierWork of, (1768-1830) french mathematician and physicist, personal LOC is 410405
Rosicrucian Order(Order of the Rose Cross) secret society founded by christian Rosencreutz in the 17th century405
Book of MormonSacred text of the Latter Day Saint movement, channeled through the founder Joseph Smith. Book also calibrated at 510405
MormonsAlso 'The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints', christian community405
Salvation ArmyChristian help organization405
New Thought Movement
AccuptunctureHealing method from Traditional Chinese Medicine405
Golden RuleMaxim, ethical code or morality that essentially states 'One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself'405
Public Broadcasting Service(PBS) US non commercial TV network (calibrated in 2004)405
The History ChannelTV Channel that broadcasts documentaries about history, calibrated in 2004405
ScienceUS TV channel (Discovery Communications) that broadcasts documentaries about space, technology, history and animals, ?405
The Biography Channel(BIO) Pay TV channel, biographical documentaries (calibrated in 2004)405
The Weather ChannelUS TV channel that broadcasts 24/7 the weather report (calibrated in 2004)405
AlexTrained African Grey Parrot, animal401
LevelIntellect, understanding, abstraction, ratio, scientific orientatin, humanism, medicine400+
ComposerOf classical music400+
Not precluding fallacies/errorsAttitude400
LevelIntellect with a dualistic logic under the assumption of a personal, seperate self400
I think, therefor I amClassic cartesian thought form after Rene Descartes400
ObjectivismDirection of epistemology400
Supreme courtsOf international jurisdiction400
Ernest Miller HemingwayLiterature of, (1899-1961) US writer400
ESTErhard Seminary Training [Landmark Forum], Training in taking responsibility for creating your own world by Werner Erhard400
Thomas Woodrow Wilson(1856-1924), 28th US Presidentat the time of World War 1 (1913-1921)400
Richard Nixon(1913-1994) 37th US President400
George H.W. Bush(*1924) 41st US President at the time of the Gulf War400
Ayn Rand[Alissy Sinovjevna Rosenbaum] (1905-1982) US/russian writer, philosopher400
Wernher von braun(1912-1977) US (german origin) space scientist, rocket engineer400
Milton FriedmanHis contribution to economics, (1912-2006) US Professor for economics400
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Street cafeLocated in Paris, cafes in general at 250400
Educational levelIn public US schools around 1900400
Knights TemplarOrder of the Temple, emerged during the crusades400
ApocryphaCertain writings which are received by some Christians as an authentic part of the Holy Scriptures, but are rejected by others. 400
Gnostic Gospels
Julio Iglesias(*1943) spanish singer400
BeachboysUS music band400
RelaxationTo take a rest, to outspan, to kick back, recreational activities395
I love LucyUS TV-Show with Lucille Ball as the main figure395
HajjPilgrimmage to Mekka, Islamic spiritual practice390
TriageSelecting the smaller 'evil' over the bigger 'evil' to prevent catastrophe for example in the context of dropping the nuclear bomb on Japan in World War 2390
NewsweekWeekly published US news magazine390
Santa ClausTradition and concept390
EsotericTeaching of the secret/hidden390
EnneagramSystem to classify personality types into nine types390
Kamikaze pilot[Shimpu Tokkotai]?in World War 2390
Constantine the Great57th Roman Emperor of greek origin. Converted to Christianity. Held the First Council of Nicaa in 325 AD. Dropped from 410 to 385385
SurrealismBranch of art385

justiceas a concept380
European Statesas a whole (calibrated in 2004)380
Italycalibrated in 2004, Sicily at 175380
Sam Walton(1918-1992) founder of Wal-Mart380
Red Crossin the United States. Help Organization380
family businesssuch as a farm 380
justiceas in the concept of justice in the Old Testament375
Salvation Armyinternational Christian organization375
Time MagazineAmerican new magazine (fell to 235, calibrated in Nov. 2010)375
Subwaythe russions transport system in Moscow375
imprimaturIn the Catholic Church an imprimatur is an official declaration by a Church authority that a book or other printed work may be published; it is usually only applied for and granted to books on religious topics from a Catholic perspective. (description from Wikipedia)370
BroccoliAfrican Grey Parrot (risen from 365 since being adopt by Doctor Hawkins)370
fidelity, justice
theosophyTheosophy refers to systems of esoteric philosophy concerning, or investigation seeking direct knowledge of, presumed mysteries of being and nature, particularly concerning the nature of divinity.365
Wal-Martone of the biggest companies in the world, supermarket365
Pablo Picassopaintings of, (1881-1973) spanish painter, sculptor365
television broadcasfor kids in the US (calibrated 2004)355
UNESCOinternational help organization for children (UNESCO comes from the United nations)355
liberalismin the US, traditional liberals355
Europe continent as a whole without E.U. states, (calibrated 2004)355
Central Americacalibrated 2004355
Indiacalibrated 2004355
Japancalibrated 2004355
forgiveness, insight, dignity, serenity
long term goalsorientation to long term goals350
forgivenessas in surrendering vindictiveness through compassion350
high(350 -600) the high state induced by drogs, alcohol350
Recovery from addictionrequired consciousness level for recovery from addiction350
understanding triagerequired level to understand triage 'the mind doesn't understand triage until level 350'350
free thinkerway of looking at the world and god, people without religious bond350
Book of ProverbsProverbs of Salomo350
reborn Christians
Shintoalso called Shintoism, japanese religion350
fortune c ookiesmessages in fortune cookies350
ethical conduct and culture
casual friendly acts
Wikipediaonline encyclopedia, open source project350
Chicago TimesUS newspaper350
running, joggingsport350
Egyptcalibrated in 2004350
Scandinaviaaverage level from Denmark, Norway, Sweden (calibrated in 2004)350
MicrosoftUS computer company345
Wal-Martsupermarket, one of the biggest companies in the world345
parliament of the European Union
German LuftwaffeGerman Airforce in World War Two345
sense of humor
prominent athletes340 to 400340
Voltaireliterature of, [Fran?ois-Marie Arouet] (1694-1778) french author of the European Enlightenment (philosophy)340
Olympic Games
Fed ExU.S. parcel service340
Rolling Stonesmusic band340
free thinkeralso calibrated at 350335
Cultural Creativescultural movement335
American Footballsports330
Bill Cosby Show(1984-1992) TV show325
sportscastin U.S. TV broadcast (also calibrated at 375325
U.S. Media(old calibration)320
Work Outworking out in the fitness studio320
Tibetan Buddhist Hornssound of320
Hu JintaoChinese President (calibrated 2004)320
Unitarian Univeralist Church
Big Brother Big SisterAmerican charity320
LhasaCapital of Tibet320
German AutobahnGerman highway, the first of the world, built since 1913315
U.S. Militaryduring World War Two315
optimismsympathy, intention, goal, purpose310
people of good will
Francecalibrated 2004310
Playboyinternational men's magazine310
nights of prayer
Catholic Churchas institution (calibrated in 2004)305
Tai Chiinner martial art305
socialismpolitical system305
The Home Depot U.S. Do It Yourself chain305
international airports
first respondermedic service305
Great Wall of Chinaancient building in china305
respectful, ethical attitude
Mother Meeraindian hindu darshana giver, living in Germany300
Mata Amritanandamayialso Mother Amm (Hugging Saint), femail indian guru.300
Green Tea
Cubacalibrated in 2004300
Republic of Chinacalibrated in 2004300
Greececalibrated in 2004300
Boliviacalibrated in 2004300
Brasilcalibrated in 2004300
Mexicocalibrated in 2004, Mexico City at 305300
Transcendental MeditationTM295
Larry King LiveTalkshow295
idealistic attitude
Haute Couture
ancient Atlantishistoric civilisation, highest level of a fallen political system290
window cleanercleaning car windows in the traffic290
Calisthenicsgymnastics, sports290
tobacco companiesthe big tobacco companies of the U.S.285
Humane SocietyAmerican charity285
Wikipediaonline encyclopedia, open source project, also calibrated at 280280
Higher Mind
Hip Hopmusic band270
free speech
police stationU.S.265
Hollywoodin 1955265
The Book of Knowledge: The Keys to Enochbook by Prof. Dr. J. J. Hurtak265
Aikido(260+) japanese martial art260
Dead Sea Scrollsalso stated at 650260
Hatha Yoga(Asana)260
Huna practiceHawaiian shamanism260
humane mentality/attitude
CNNU.S. TV channel260
Peter Principlesociologic principle260
Irelandcalibrated in 2004255
Icelandcalibrated in 2004255
ancient greecehistoric civilisation 255
Boston Tea Partymovement255
Country Westernmusic band, also stated at 520255
trustconfidence, letting go, release250
feeling ok
discussions about ethic, moralityconsideration of true vs. False250
Sexualitypracticed with integrity250
decision against abortionin the first three month of pregnancy250
Black Crow
Rebirthingtherapeutic breathing method250
Kirtanyogic mantra singing250
Treatment of war prisoners by the U.S.after World War Two250
IBMinternational computer company250
family catwith a name245
stem cell researchto the benefit of medical applications245
Turkeycalibrated 2004245
supportive attitude
Avatarthe course system, developed by Harry Palmer245
social science
Qi Gongpart of traditional chinese medicine, bodily and breathing exercise to activate chi energy240
Soul Retrievalsoul midwifery240
cat alley cat, without a name240
African grey parrotmost teachable bird living in nature240
discodance and music style235
free speech
decision for abortionin the first three month of pregnancy235
Time MagazineU.S. newspaper, droppped from 375 [level of November 2010]235
automobile industryin the of the U.S.230
eckankarnew religious movement, initialized by Paul Twitchell, USA 1965.230
London subwaybiggest subway line in the world225
Fort KnoxU.S. Army base in Kentucky, depot for the federal gold reserves since 1862225
political science
EchnatonEgypt Pharao of the 18th Dynasty of ancient Egypt. Is said to having introduced monotheism.220
automobile companiesin the U.Ss215
Metrosubway line in Paris215
average level of consciousnessof all living beings since 23 million years212
Coca Colainternational beverage company from the U.S.211
astrology210 to 405210
Mahmud Abbas210+, Palestinian President since January 2005 (calibrated in January 2005), successor of Arafat, has intention of peace210
Aumchanged Mantra, original is Om which calibrates at 740210
constructive criticismcriticism of the productive, benevolent, supportive and challenging kind210
European Unionlevel of 2004210
Legal immigration
commercial businessfarm, agriculture210
KGBsecret service of the Soviet Union during World War Two210
MI-6Britisch secret service during World War Two210
PentagonU.S. Ministry of Defense210
BBCnew sof the British TV broadcast British Broadcasting Corporation210
Prairie Indiansancient Indian civilisation210
crystalssemi-precious stone210
google.comonline search engine209
self-made foodwhich is blessed additionally208
banking industryin the U.S.208
LOC of humanityin the time of Oct. 2003 to Feb. 2006207
Martial Artsfrom 205 to 440205
LOC of humanityfrom 1987 to 2003205
Pop Rockmusic205
human body
bodyworkbody psychotherapy205
Rolfinga type of massage therapy, also called structural integration205
contraceptionbirth control205
internetlevel of 2010, risen from the level of 200 in 2008205
weather at 0? Fahrenheit
German Militaryin World War Two205
generating a triage
Fordautomobile company205
General Motorsautomobile company205
Nepallevel of 2004205
ancient Egyptancient historic civilisation205
Nofretetealso Nefertiti , wife of Egypt Pharao Echnaton in ancient Egypt205
Ramses I.Pharao of the 19th dynasty of ancient Egypt205
Leo Trotzki (1879-1940) russian revolutionist, communist politician, founder of the Red Army205
Mickey Mousecomic figure by Walt Disney205
domestic pig
LOC of humanityfrom the end of 2007 to Juli 2009204
self-made foodwithout blessing204
Thomas Robert Malthus(1766-1834)204
LOC of humanityfrom October 2006 to 2007203
white magic
ancient Romehistoric civilisation202
Holotropic Breathworkby Stanislav Grof202
gas stationpetrol station202
fastfood outlet
New Guinealevel of 2004202
abortion pillRU 486201
Integrity200+, healthy, truth, being responsible, supportive of life, constructive200
Homo Spiritus200+, the spiritual human200
awakening of kundalini200+, the spiritual energy is present from this level on200
start of the formation of an etheric bra200+, the formation of the etheric brain starts at this level200
self-responsibilitystart of, 200+200
welfare emotions200+200
positive feelings200+, release of endorphins, greater immunity200
beginning of learning love200+200
lovein different learning stages, 200-499200
Waren Buffet200+, (born 1930) billionaire,200
Jean Paul Sartre(1905-1980) french philosopher200
Susan Sontagliterature of, (1933-2004) American200
Andy Warholwork of, (1928-1987) American artist, designer, pop art pioneer200
Carl Sagan(1934-1996) American astronomer, astrophysicist, his work calibrates at 420200
agnosticismis the view that the truth values of certain claims?especially claims about the existence or non-existence of any deity, as well as other religious and metaphysical claims?are unknown.200
animal body
earthplanet earth200
social justicein the U.s:, also calibrated at 190 and 180200
economyof the U.S., level of Nov. 2010200
walking through fireas a cultic ceremony200
homepathyalternative healing method, developed by Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843)200
monarchypolitical system200
airport policein the U.S.200
Tut Ank AmunPharao of the 18th dynasty of ancient Egypt200
Friedrich Engels(1820-1895) german politician, living in London, philosopher200
Harry Potterfictional character by Joanne K. Rowlings200
New York Timeslevel of Nov. 2010, U.S. daily newspaper, dropped from 250 in year 2000, in year 2004 risen a little bit from 185200
Tibet level of 2004200
Russialevel of 2004200
Mandchurialevel of 2004200
car racingmotorsportsq200
internetlevel of 2008, risen to 205 in 2010200
disregarding the rights of otheroverlooking and or not percieving the rights of other, 199 and less, <200, below the level of 200<200
lower astralsdifferent levels of hell, 199 and less, <200, below the level of 200<200
acts of sinacts which are commonly called sin, 199 and less, <200, below the level of 200<200
Emergeny Emotions
fuguefeigning death, fighting refelex, adrenalin release, low immunity<200
peacelessnessunder humans<200
demonizationall expressions of demonization and defamation<200
ad industryin the U.S.<200
killing on orderof the military, institutions, etc.<200
carnivorespredatory animals<200
Heavy Metalmusic, negative impact on accpuncture meridian system<200
50% of the information on the internetmany of these are blog entries<200
50% of current esotheric literature
78-85% of humanitydepending on the overall LOC of humanity, 2005<200
49-55% of Americansin the U.S., depending on the national LOC, 2005<200
Homo sapiensDr. Hawkins calls humans above 200 Homo spiritus<200
culmination of forceculmination of the negativity under force199
CEOs and board membersaverage LOC of the fortune 500 companies CEOs and board members(level of 2002)198
school bus driverswho are often in involved in bus accidents (in the U.S)198
United Nations
Environmental activists
subway in Mexico City
Scientologyfounded by L. Ron Hubbard195
Jevoah's Witnesses
Falun Gongreligious movement from china. Based on on Qi Gong, founder Li Hongzhi presented it in 1992, forbidden in China since 1999195
LOC of mankindabout 1930 to August 1987190
lucifericthe luciferic (ego) which denies the sovereignty of God190
venial sin
white lieemergency lie190
saying nonegation, non-answer, refusal, denial, 190
do gooderismmentality of the do gooder190
skeptical scientism
political correctness
antagonimsattitude of superiority190
Social Justice
channelingaverage of level of channelled messages, 20% are above 200, 80% below190
Pranayamacontrolled breathing practices190
goddess movementideology190
Jesus married to Maria Magdalenaconcept of Jesus being married to Maria Magdalena and having kids (in the novel The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown, 2004)190
fasting periodordered by the church190
Old Testamentoverall level, Genesis at 660, Psalms at 650, Proverbs at 300+190
attack on Pearl HarborWorld War Two190
United Nationslevel of 2008, also calibrated at 195 and 180190
CIAsecret service of the U.S. in early Iraq War190
public schoolsLOC of public schools in the U.S.190
HarvardHarvard University, Harvard law schooldropped in November 2010 to 180190
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Aalso called 'Health Financing Care Bill'190
editorialof the ten biggest newspapers in the U.S., level of 2004190
Rolling Stone Magazine
Wall Streetworlds biggest stock exchange190
oil industryin the U.S.190
Pythagoras(~570 BC - 510 BC) greek philosopher and mathematician190
Peter the Great(1672 - 1725 AD) russian czar190
Francisco Franco(1892-1975) spanish general and dictator190
George Soros(*1930) american-hungarian invester, philanthropist190
Richard Dawkins(*1941) british professor for biology, Oxvord University190
Vladimir Putin(*1952) russian president, ex KGB agent190
critics of Einstein's theory of relativi
British Empireuntil early 20th century, colonial power190
Israellevel of 2004, Bethlehem also at 190, Bethlehem at the time of Jesus Christ LOC 415190
South Africalevel of 2004190
Hollywoodlevel of 2004, fell from 265 (1955) to 180 (2007)190
100 most influential people in the wolrdaccording to Time Magazine, level of 2004, without George W. Bush, Oprah Winfrey and Arnold Schwarzenegger189
collegesand universities, level of 2007, level of 1955 was 440185
Feng ShuiLOC 185 - 210185
Iranlevel of 2004, 185 - 190185
Palestinelevel of 2004185
the Balkanslevel of 2004185
LOC of mankind from 1400 to 1930185
fortunetelling, divinationforetelling the future is non-integrous185
New Agemovement, New Ageism, Hawkins: 'Naivety is the downside of the spiritual aspirant'185
feministic politcsemphasizing sexism185
Mao Tse-tung(1903-1976) chinese politician, dictator, communist, chairman of the Communist Party in China185
Karl Raimund Popper(1902-1944) austrian british philosopher and epistemologist185
Noam ChomskyLOC from 135-185, (*1928) american professor for linguistics, scientiest in the field of cognition, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)185
Arthur Neville Chamberlain(1869-1940) british Prime Minister, predecessor of Winston Churchill185
U.S. Mediain the time of the Vietnam War185
extreme left-liberal partiesin the U.S.185
telemarketingin the U.S.185
Mardi Grascarnival in New Orleans, U.S.185
fixation on body buildingand extreme sports185
Fidel Castroregime of, the regime of the cuban president Fidel Castro (dropped from LOC 445 to 180), born 1926, communist185
moral sins
colleges, universitiescolleges, universities, Level of 2008. Peak LOC 440 in 1955. Fallen due to moral relativism180
United Nationslevel of 2008, LOC 195 in 2005180
hospitalsalso calibrated at 250180
group narcissism
recriminationaccusation, finger-pointing, allocation of blame180
conflicwillingness, readiness for conflict180
politicians(statesman at 430)180
post modernism
social justicein the US180
Illegal Immigrationin the US180
conspiracy theoriesalso calibrated at 165180
blog websiteswordwide180
Fidel Castro(*1926) spanish cuban dictatorial president (1976-2008). Fallen from LOC 445 to 180)180
political correctness
ismsall isms, forms of expression180
UN Security Councillevel of 2004180
sports betting
cloningof humans180
Harvard UniversityHarvard Law School, fallen from 190 in Nov. 2010180
glass pyramidein fron of the Louvre, Paris, France180
Middle Eastlevel of 2005. Risen from 170180
Hollywoodlevel of 2007, fall from 190 in 2004 and 265 in 1955180
Action Movieswith dangerous stunts, explosions, pursuits, gunfights, ?level of 2004180
Prideas Level of Consciousness, 175-199, includes scorn, grandiosity, bragging, the survival of others becomes a motivation in ones actions175
Saudi-Arabialevel of 2004175
Sicilylevel of 2004175
Polandlevel of 2004175
Republic of Chinaduring Mao's reign175
North Korealevel of 2004175
theocracypolitical system175
Marine Corpsmarine infantry of the US.175
Angeras Level of Consciousness, 150-174, rage, emotion of hate, aggression, threat, intimidation170
vanityalso calibrated at 180170
Health maintenance OrganizationsHMOs, level of 2004170
Invictuspoem of William Ernest Henly (1849-1903), the last lines 'I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.' expresses the idea of the sovereignty of the ego.170
moral equalityconcept 170
UFO kidnappingastral trance state170
Middle Eastlevel of 2004170
popular sociologytrivial sociology, 165-210165
victim mentality
stanceof the Catholic Church regarding pedophilia and catholic pedophile priests165
conspiracy theories
Enronenergy company, was once one of the biggest companies of the US. Level of 2001165
oil pollutionin the Gulf of Mexico, Nov 2010165
Wilhelm I.(1797-1888) German Emperor and King of Prussia165
Capital Punishmentfor adults160
street beggar
Ali Hasan al-Madschid(1941-2010) Iraqui politician, General who commanded the use of toxic gas160
Kim Jong-il(1941-2011) dictator of North Korea, calibrated in 2004160
Napoleon Bonaparte(1769-1821) France, after crowning himself emperor, fallen from 450; calibrated at 75 at the Battle of Waterloo160
critics of applied kinesiologyas in the 'The Skeptic's Dictionary'. See also skepticism160
radical extremistsstate of 2010160
ank crosssymbol of ancient egypt160
Kirlian Photography
polar bearice bear, ursus maritimus160
resentment, acidness
street begging
lower mindego-mind155
anti -Semitismsee also racism at 110155
Mutual UFO NetworkUS non profit organisation, scientific exploration of the UFO phenomenon155
wiccaheathen religion155
Capital Punishment
angerlevel of consciousness, rage, emotion of hate, hostility, intimidation, aggression150
anti-drug progamin the US150
WikiLeaks whistleblowers
Hermann G?ring(1893-1946) german nazi politician and war criminal, commander-in-chief of the german air force (Luftwaffe) during World War Two, fallen from LOC 350150
White Supremacy
obvious bigotry
punishment, revenge
Critical Theoryphilosophical, after herbert Marcuse150
Borderline personality disorderBPD150
Unification Churchfounded by Sun Myung Moon150
DesireLevel of Consciousness, addiction, greed, lust, hunger, enslavement (LOC 125-149)125
feudalismLOC 145-200145
possessive sexual desire
pacifists during World War Two145
L. Ron Hubbardfounder of Scientology movement145
theoryof 'conscioussness originates from the neuronal activity in the brain'. First advocated by Francis Crick140
YouTubeinternet video portal140
Arthur Neville Chamberlain's capacityduring World War Two, (British Premier)140
Vietnamlevel of 2005140
extreme conservative partiesin the US, extreme right135
dialectic materialismphilosophy by Karl Marx135
Victim-Perpetrator model
Big Bang Theorytheory about the emergence of the universe135
Francis Crick
defamationslander, also calibrated at 75135
New York Cityinner city135
Capital Punishment for adolescents
Reality ShowsTv Shows leve of 2004130
MTVUS TV Network, music videos130
Karl Marx(1818-1883) german philosopher130
literature of Karl MarxOriginal german titles: 'Das Kapital' and 'Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei'130
Global Warming Theory
militant islamic fundamentalismand religious fundamentalism in general130
Raelismalso under the name Rael-Movement, UFO-Religion by Claude Vorilhon130
DesireLevel of Consciousness, addiction, greed, lust, hunger, enslavement (LOC 125-149)125
Fearlevel of consciousness, from 100-124, concern, anxiety, withdrawal124
Iraqlevel of 2005120
criticismas addiction120
cults, sects
paranoid attitude
The end justifies the meansattitude 120
wolf in sheeps clothingconcept120
limbic systemof the human body120
amygdalapart of the human brain120
extreme sports
Elohimname for god100
concept of godin the old testament100
Roman pagan Gods
IRA Irish Republic Army100
anarchismworld view100
Fearlevel of consciousness, from 100-124, concern, anxiety, withdrawal100
Grieflevel of consciousness, from 75-99, failure, misery, despondency99
Gangster Rapmusic, 35-9595
Punk Rockmusic, 35-9595
Gothicmusic, 35-9595
Heavy Metalmusic, 35-9595
drug addiction
homeless people
Tantrain new age tantra seminars95
LOC of mankindat the time of the Buddha, about 600 BC90
alcohol dependency
denial of faith
denial of the non-linear
Islamic honor killing
German Gods
Greek Gods
Scandinavian Gods
Gods of War
Adolf HitlerSocial influence, intention before World War Two90
Joseph Stalin(1878-1953) Sowjet politician, dictator during World War Two (1941-1953), see also LOC 7090
Saddam Hussein(1937-2006) President and dictator of Iraq (during Gulf War and on)90
Hugo Chavez(*1954) Dictator of Venezuala since 199990
Box jellyfishAnimal, also known as sea wasp90
AnasaziIndian, ancient pueblo people culture in Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona85
QuetzalcoatlMesoamerican deity (Aztecs, Maya, ?)85
Hisbollah(God's party) an islamistic lebanese organisation under the governance of Hassan Nasrallah and clerical scholars85
Homo floresiensisRecently discovered pygmy race85
Homo erectus
Cro Magnon(Early Homo sapiens sapiens) , from the last ice age in europe 12000 to 40000 years ago80
Militant islamic triumphalism
North KoreaDuring the Korean War (later risen to 175)80
GriefLevel, 75-99, failure, misery, despondency75
DefamationSlander, also calibrated at 13575
Neanderthal Man[Homo neanderthalensis] extinc 'relative' of today's man (Homo Sapiens) in europe75
HamasIslamic resistance in Israel, Westbank Gaza (also calibrated at 40 and 105)75
IMUIslamic resistance in Uzebkistan75
Napoleon BonaparteDuring the battle of Waterloo (fallen from 440 to 160 to 75)75
Sayyid Qutb(1906-1966) Journalist, Islamic theorist and the leading member of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood in the 1950s and 1960s75
ApathyLevel, 50-74, despair, being resigned, malevolence, hatred, grudge70
BlasphemyHatred of God, 40-7070
Apocalyptic VisionsIn general70
Book of RevelationLast book of the new testament70
Abduction by aliens'Aliens exist' tests as not true on this three dimensional realm70
Third ReichTime of National Socialism, Germany, 1933-14570
PumaCougar (am.), mountain lion70
Osama Bin Laden(1957-2011) Saudi-Arabian founder of Al-Quaida70
TalibanTerror group in Afghanistan70
MoaisColossal stone sculptures on Easter Island70
Islamic terrorists35-7070
Dilapidated quarters of big cities65-8065
PedophiliaPsychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children65
Beating upAction, of partners, as physical chastisement65
IncaHistoric civilisation, South America65
AztecsHistoric civilisation, South America65
Al-QaidaGlobal militant Islamist and Takfiri organization founded by Osama bin Laden, Abdullah Azzam, and several other militants, responsible for numerous terror attacks65
Saddam Hussein(1937-2006) President and dictator of Iraq (during Gulf War and on), fallen from 90 to 65 to 60 in the period of 2002-200465
Criminals60-65 in U.S.60
PsychopathMentally ill person60
Joseph Goebbels(1897-1945) most influential german Nazi politician, minister for propaganda in the Third Reich (1933-1945)60
Islamic Apocalyptic Triumphalismcalibrated in November 200760
Bearing false witnessAction60
Drunk driving in the U.S.Action55
KGB(1954-1991) sowject intelligence55
PLOPalestine Liberation Organization55
Benito Mussolini(1883-1945) Duce, leader of fascism, Italian dictator (1922-1943)50
SlumsAs a location of living50
Mad cow disease(bovine spongiform encephalopathy)50
National SocialismPolitical system50
JihadIdea of the islamic 'holy war'50
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
SatanismIdolizing satan as God, 'do what you will'45
Adolf Hitler(1889-1945) dictator, chairman of the NSDAP, Reich Chancellor of the Third Reich, fallen from 440 (405) to 80 to 4545
Quality of the content of the InternetWebsites in the world wide web, 45-445, regarding the quality of the content45
SnakesRange from 35 to 4545
SupremacistsRange from 40 to 8540
Central AfricaCountry, 200440
Islamist TerrorismRanges from 40 to 4540
Komodo dragonAnimal40
Illegal methylamphetamine labs
Organized criminality
HamasIslamic resistance in Israel, Westbank Gaza (also calibrated at 75 and 105)40
Heinrich Himmler(1900-1945) german Reichsf?hrer-SS (SS national leader), primarily responsible for the holocaust40
VietcongPolitical Organisation and army in Vietnam War40
Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev(1894-1971) russian politician and head of government during the Cold War40
Humans with the attitude of dragonlike e
Al Capone(1899-1947) italian notoriuos criminal in the U.S.35
Sexual Sadism
InquisitionMedieval persecution of witches and heretics35
Bull fightingAlso calibrated at 45, dogfighting, cockfighting35
9/11 Terror AttacksTerror attacks on the World Trade Center, New York City, Sept. 11th. 200135
DestructionRemorse, recrimination, accusation, masochism, hate30
Malignant messianic narcissism
Concentration campKZ, Konzentrationslager, especially labor and extermination camps of the Nazi-Regime30
Hitler's lightning attack on LondonDuring World War Two30
Al Qaida
Hunting wild animals with deer-hounds in
Militant atheism
Devil worship
Fran?ois Duvalier('Papa Doc') (1907-1971) haitian politician, dictator of Haiti (1957-1971)25
Muhammad ibn ?Abd al-Wahh?b(1703-1792) islamic scholar, leading figure of the cultic teachings of Wahabism and Salafism20
JihadAfter definition of Osama Bin Laden20
Death RowDeath row, in English-speaking countries that have capital punishment, is the place, often a section of a prison, that houses prisoners awaiting execution.20
Black magic
ShameLevel, Ranges from 20 to 29, disgrace, humiliation, oppression, suppression20
Serial killerIn general range from 6 to 1515
Condemning fellow man to hellAction15
Josef Mengele(1911-1979) member of the SS and concentration camp doctor during World War Two (cruel human experimentsin Auschwitz)15
PimpOwns and sells women14
Possessed psychotic murdererRanges from 5 to 1111
TerrorismRanges from 10 to 3510
ArsonIgniting fire10
Jack the RipperSerial killer6
Famous serial killers
Producers of sadistic child porn
Virginia Tech shooting spreeApril 16th 2008, Cho Seung-Hui shot 32 people on the university campus5
DeathNo physical presence, missing consciousness0
VirusHas no consciousness0

TorontoCity, 2005425
United States Country, 2005, 431 in 2003 -> 426 -> 421 in 2005 -> 420 in Nov. 18th 2006. Hawai 405, middle West 440, East Coast 360, West Coas 290, Wyoming 440, Florida 425, Ohio 410, Iowa 405, Alabama 350, California 280, Hollywood 180 in 2007 (dropped from 190 in 2005). Chicago 445, Phoenix 440, New York City 385 (Upper East Side 430, West Side 245, Inner City 135); Empire State Building 465, Central Park 425, Time Square 270.421
EnglandCountry, 2005420
CanadaCountry, 2005415
Great BritanCountry, 2005410
AustraliaCountry, 2005410
HawaiiCountry, 2005405
NetherlandsCountry, 2005405
Singapore Country, 2005405
Germany Country, 2005400
Hong Kong Country, 2005400
South Korea Country, 2005400
FinlandCountry, 2005400
NorwayCountry, 2005400
Switzerland Country, 2005400
MexicoCountry, 2005400
ChinaCountry, 2007385
SwedenCountry, 2005385
Italy Country, 2005380
EuropeCountry, 2005355
IndiaCountry, 2005355
Japan Country, 2005355
Scandinavia Country, 2005350
GreenlandCountry, 2005345
FrankreichCountry, 2005310
China Country, 2005305
SpanienCountry, 2005300
PortugalCountry, 2005300
Egypt Country, 2005300
Ireland Country, 2005255
MoroccoCountry, 2005245
Turkey Country, 2005245
Nepal Country, 2005204
Russia Country, 2005201
LiberiaCountry, 2005200
South AfricaCountry, 2005195
PolandCountry, 2005195
KuwaitCountry, 2005190
Iran Country, 2005190
Israel Country, 2005190
PhilippinesCountry, 2005190
NigerCountry, 2005185
Pakistan Country, 2005185
Palestine Country, 2005185
JordanCountry, 2005185
U.A.E.Country, 2005180
Saudi ArabiaCountry, 2005175
MangoliaCountry, 2005175
North korea Country, 2005175
Middle eastCountry, 2005170
Sri LankaCountry, 2005165
SyriaCountry, 2005160
Yemen Country, 2005160
UkraineCountry, 2005140
Pakistan Country, 2005140
EthiopiaCountry, 2005140
LebanonCountry, 2005130
IraqCountry, 2005125
MadagascarCountry, 2005125
CameroonCountry, 2005120
MauritaniaCountry, 2005115
KazakhstanCountry, 2005105
MozambiqueCountry, 2005105
MaliCountry, 2005105
NamibiaCountry, 2005100
SomaliaCountry, 2005100
Libya Country, 200595
Yemen Country, 200590
ChadCountry, 200590
AlgeriaCountry, 200590
GabonCountry, 200590
AfghanistanCountry, 200585
OmanCountry, 200580
TanzaniaCountry, 200580
CongoCountry, 200575
NigeriaCountry, 200575
SudanCountry, 200570
UgandaCountry, 200570
BotswanaCountry, 200565
HaitiCountry, 200555
ZimbabweCountry, 200550
AngolaCountry, 200550
Democratic Republic of CongoCountry, 200540
KenyaCountry, 200540

Dicken's Christmas Carol Movie499
Winged Migration Movie495
Lost Horizon Movie, 1937485
Ray Movie475
Ben HurMovie, 1959475
Color Purple, TheMovie, 1985475
Sound of Music Movie475
Forrest Gump Movie, 1994475
Fantasia Movie, 1940475
Gandhi Movie, 1982455
Amadeus Movie, 1984455
What the Bleep Do We (K)now!? Movie, documentary, 2004455
A Man for All Seasons Movie455
Wizard of OZ, The Movie, 1939450
It's a Wonderful Life Movie450
Little Buddha Movie, 1993445
2001: A Space Odyssey Movie440
About SchmidtMovie435
Terms of Endearment Movie425
Sound of Music Movie425
Chariots of Fire Movie425
Doctor Zhivago Movie415
Singin' in the Rain Movie415
Lion KingMovie415
Rain Man Movie410
Hamlet Movie405
Philadelphia StoryMovie405
My Fair Lady Movie405
West Side Story Movie405
Gone with the WindMovie405
Yankee Doodle Dandy Movie400
Citizen Kane Movie400
Toy Story Movie400
Shakespeare in love Movie395
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington Movie395
From Here to Eternity Movie395
Driving Miss Daisy Movie395
Barefoot in the Park Movie395
African Queen, The Movie395
Saturday Night Fever Movie395
Greatest Show on Earth Movie390
Field of Dreams Movie390
Shane Movie390
Miracle on 34th Street Movie390
Jazz Singer, The Movie390
Out of Africa Movie390
Funny Girl Movie385
Bridge on the River Kwai,TheMovie385
Around the World in 80 days Movie385
Chicago Movie385
Raiders of the Lost Ark Movie385
My Big Fat Greek Wedding Movie385
Casablanca Movie385
SpongeBob SquarePantsMovie385
Grapes of WrathMovie385
American Beauty Movie380
Hello Dolly Movie380
A Beautiful Mind Movie375
ET: The Extraterrestrial Movie375
Pretty Woman Movie375
Dances with Wolves Movie375
Jerry Maguire Movie375
Cleopatra Movie365
Murder on the Orient Express Movie365
Oliver! Movie365
American Graffiti Movie365
Wuthering Heights Movie360
Best Years of our Lives Movie360
Breakfast at Tiffany's Movie360
Taxi Driver Movie360
Tootsie Movie355
An American in Paris Movie355
Annie Hall Movie355
Legally Blonde Movie355
Some Like it Hot Movie355
City Lights Movie355
Giant Movie350
Babe Movie350
Way We WereMovie350
Sleepless in Seattle Movie350
Stagecoach Movie350
Great Gatsby, TheMovie350
Return of the KingMovie350
Lord of the Rings Movie350
Willie Wonks Movie345
Patton Movie345
Seven Days in May Movie340
North by Northwest Movie340
Charlotte's Web Movie335
Ferris Bueller's Day off Movie335
Grease Movie330
Jurassic Park Movie330
Maltese FalconMovie325
Moonstruck Movie325
Celsius 41.11Movie320
Lawrence of Arabia Movie320
Chinatown Movie315
Double Indemnity Movie315
Streetcar Named Desire Movie315
Sixth Sense, TheMovie310
Rebel Without a Cause Movie310
River's Edge Movie310
To Kill a Mockingbird Movie310
Love Story Movie310
Charade Movie305
Manhattan Movie305
Guess Who's coming to Dinner Movie305
Paper Moon Movie300
All About Eve Movie300
Breakfast Club Movie300
On the Waterfront Movie295
FahrenHYPE 9/11Movie290
Braveheart Movie275
You've Got Mail Movie275
Ordinary People Movie275
French Connection Movie275
High Noon Movie275
Lord of the Flies Movie270
Wild BunchMovie270
Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid Movie270
Rocky Movie265
Close Encounters of the Third Kind Movie265
Crocodile Dundee Movie265
Gold RushMovie260
It Happened One Night Movie255
Bringing Up Baby Movie255
Young Frankenstein Movie255
Fall Safe Movie255
Cool Hand Luke Movie255
Spiderman Movie255
Network Movie255
Raging Bull Movie255
English PatientMovie250
Star Wars Movie250
Bye Bye Birdie Movie245
Ghostbusters Movie235
A Fish Called Wanda Movie230
Dr. Strangelove Movie225
Blade Runner Movie225
Wall Street Movie225
Madame X Movie215
Goldfinger Movie215
Holy Grail Movie215
Birds, The Movie215
Harry Potter Movie215
Place in the Sun, A Movie210
Batman Movie210
Caddy Shack Movie205
Kramer vs. Kramer Movie205
LA Confidential Movie205
Rocky Horror Picture Show Movie205
Third ManMovie200
Treasure of the Sierra Madre Movie200
Valley of the Dolls Movie200
Saving Private Ryan Movie195
Easy Rider Movie195
Tom Jones Movie195
Passion of Christ Movie, 1937, edited movie (cutting out violent scenes) calibrates at 395190
Santa Clause 2Movie190
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Movie185
Barbarella Movie185
Bowling for ColumbineMovie185
Canadian BaconMovie180
Big One, TheMovie180
Twin Towers, TheMovie180
Beverly Hills Cop Movie180
Godzilla Movie180
Schindler's List Movie180
Jaws Movie180
Fahrenheit 9/11Movie180
TV NationMovie180
Supersize MeMovie180
Roger and meMovie180
Platoon Movie180
King Kong Movie175
Matrix, The Movie165
In the Heat of the Night Movie165
Mad Max Movie160
Godfather, Part IIMovie155
Carnal Knowledge Movie155
Deer HunterMovie155
All Quiet on the Western Front Movie150
Deliverance Movie145
Aliens Movie145
Notorious Movie145
Jaws Movie140
Exorcist Movie140
Sex, Lies and Videotape Movie140
Fatal Attraction Movie140
Birth of a Nation, TheMovie140
Thelma and Louise Movie140
Cat in the HatMovie130
Terminator Movie125
It's Alive Movie125
Wait Until Dark Movie110
Lethal Weapon Movie105
There's Something about Mary Movie105
Bonnie and Clyde Movie105
St. Elmo's Fire Movie105
Vertigo Movie105
Good Fellas Movie100
Falling Down Movie90
Halloween Movie85
Omen, The Movie85
In Cold Blood Movie80
Psycho Movie80
A Clockwork Orange Movie70
Apocalypse Now Movie65
Rosemary's Baby Movie60
Silence of the lambs Movie45
Pulp Fiction Movie25

StatementOne`s exact time of death is set at birthTrue
StatementOne`s consciousness level is set at birthTrue
StatementHumans can live on prana energyTrue
StatementChi energy existsTrue
StatementWait three days before burial or cremationTrue
StatementReincarnation is realTrue
StatementStigmata are real phenomenonsTrue
StatementFree will is an illusionTrue
StatementIt is possible to come up from lower regions of hell - with the exception of blasphemyTrue
StatementGod`s will for you is happiness. To be happy is pleasing to GodTrue
StatementThere are angels in bodiesTrue
StatementPraying is beneficial. It benefits yourself, loved ones, the world, all of humanityTrue
StatementBy our mere existence we are - all is - DivineTrue
StatementIt is safe to pray for the sources of hateTrue
StatementIt is NOT already determined which lifetime someone will become enlightened inTrue
StatementAll things are GodTrue
StatementThe Light of God is ConsciousnessTrue
StatementConsciousness is the Mind of GodTrue
StatementAt any age, the brain is constantly producing new neuronsTrue
StatementThe number of causes for any event is infiniteTrue
StatementAll living things are aware as you walk byTrue
StatementThe purpose of this human life is to undo negative karma and gain positive karma. That is the sole purpose of human life.True
StatementWhatever problem you have in life, if you apply the 12 Steps to it, that will solve itTrue
StatementDiscretion of Speech is a higher good than freedom of speechTrue
StatementIt is safe to dieTrue
StatementIt is my understanding that the disciples (who calibrated in the 900s at the time) saw Jesus` etheric bodyTrue
StatementAs we sacrifice our personal lives for the sake of the world, we sanctify the life of the world, This is personified in the life of Jesus Christ.True
StatementThere`s multiple heaven, and the heaven that you go to is aligned with your calibrated level of your consciousnessTrue
StatementNow, very rarely, but on occasion, the LOC can go over 1000. That`s the first time in history.True
StatementIn order to be able to handle higher energy mankind up to now could only handle an energy of up to 1000True
StatementSo the alignment with the pathway we talk about then is the direct pathway to enlightenment and according to this understanding?the following of the direct pathway speeds up the likelyhood of enlightenment more than one thousand timesTrue
StatementTo Thee O Lord do I devote my life.'?- there is nothing beyond that that you as a human can say.That is the ultimate that can be said.True
StatementThe Thee O Lord'?- you don't have to worry if God is listening.?'To Thee O Lord'?- God hears ?'To You O God'?- God is not obligated.? He is not involved, you see. You are talking to yourself.?'To Thee O Lord'?indicated devotion. [...]?'Those who are devoted to Me are mine.'True
S/ http://www.ccrtblog.com/full-list/

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