
jueves, 1 de octubre de 2015



Dyskografia Hemi-Sync jest wytworem ciekawości i po trosze sentymentu, ma także związek z moimi aktywnościami. W katalogu sklepowym TMI pojawiają się tytuły nowe, ale na dobre znikają też stare (niektóre warte uwagi), stąd powstał pomysł utworzenia takiego "archiwum twórczości", które będzie w miarę możliwości uzupełniane. Opisy rynkowe, zarówno w języku polskim jak i angielskim - można w wyszukiwarce typu google. Uwagi: kolorem szarym wyróżnione zostały nagrania, których nakład został wyczerpany; wszystkie inne tytuły można zamówić pod adresem www.czarymary.pl lub www.hemi-sync.pl.



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Dystrybutor Hemi-Sync w Polsce:
www.czarymary.pl lub www.hemi-sync.pl


WAVE 1: Discovery WAVE 2: Threshold
  1. Orientation
  2. Intro Focus 10
  3. Advanced Focus 10
  4. Release And Recharge
  5. Exploration Sleep
  6. Focus 10 Free Flow
  1. Intro Focus 12
  2. Problem Solving
  3. One-Month Patterning
  4. Color Breathing
  5. Energy Bar Tool
  6. Intro To Living Body Map
WAVE 3: Freedom WAVE 4: Adventure
  1. Lift Off
  2. Remote Viewing
  3. Vectors
  4. Five Questions
  5. Energy Food
  6. First-Stage Separation
  1. One-Year Patterning
  2. Five Messages
  3. Free Flow 12
  4. NVC I
  5. NVC II
  6. Compoint 12
WAVE 5 (NEW): Exploring WAVE 6 (OLD 7): Odyssey
  1. Advanced Focus 12
  2. Discovering Intuition
  3. Exploring Intuition
  4. Intro to Focus 15
  5. Mission 15 - Creation and Manifestation
  6. Exploring Focus 15
  1. Seasing Locale 1
  2. Expansion in Locale 1
  3. Point of Depature
  4. Nonphysical Friends
  5. Intro Focus 21
  6. Free Flow Journey in Focus 21
WAVE 5 (OLD): Exploring WAVE 6 (OLD): Prospecting
  1. Mission 10
  2. Mission 12
  3. Mission Day
  4. Mission Night
  5. Horizons
  6. Pathways
  1. Metamorphosite
  2. Bio-Body
  3. Null Point
  4. Plus Polarity
  5. Near Reaches
  6. Far Reaches


  1. Mind Awake/Body Asleep
  2. Flying Free
  3. Remove and Release
  4. Edge of Here and Now
  5. Touring Interstate
  6. Moment of Revelation
  7. Right of Passage
  8. Homecoming
  9. Freedom Flight
  10. Return to Revelation
  11. Relocation Theme
  1. Going Home Leaders
  2. Hemi-SyncR Technology
  3. Mind Awake/Body Asleep
  4. Flying Free
  5. Remove and Release
  6. Edge of Here and Now
  7. Touring Interstate
  8. Moment of Revelation
  9. Messages in 21
  10. Recharge and Regeneration
  11. Restorative Sleep


  1. Introduction by Bob Monroe
  2. Relaxation Reinforcement Exercise
  3. The Borderland Sleep State, Condition A
  4. Condition B
  5. Condition C
  6. Condition D


  1. Centered Calm
  2. Remembering Love
  3. Love's Power to Heal
  4. Opening to Love


  1. Exercise 1
  2. Exercise 2
  3. Exercise 3
  4. Exercise 4


  1. Chemotherapy Companion (wersja MindFood)
  2. Journey Through The T-Cells (wersja MindFood)
  3. Radiation Companion (wersja MindFood)
  4. Sleeping Through The Rain (MetaMusic)


  1. Rejuvenation
  2. Reconditioning
  3. Lightbody
  4. Clear and Balanced
  5. Renew Through H-Plus


  1. Mind and Emotions
  2. Endocrine System
  3. Immune System
  4. Nervous System


  1. Orientation
  2. Advanced Focus 10
  3. Living Body Map
  4. Intro to Access Channel
  5. Let-Go
  6. Restorative Sleep
  7. Deep Sleep
  8. Focus 12 Intro
  9. Focus 12 Free Flow
  10. Journey Through The T-Cells
  11. Color Breathing


  1. Pre-Op
  2. Intra-Op
  3. Recovery
  1. Recuperation
  2. Energy Walk
  3. Surf


  1. Relaxation Into Sleep
  2. Healing Energies
  3. Support for Speech Recovery
  4. Support for Motor Skills Recovery


  1. Healthy Pregnancy
  2. Remove & Release
  3. Deep Relaxation
  4. Active Relaxation
  5. Father
  6. Supporting Late Pregnancy
  7. Healthy Baby
  8. Contacting Baby's Soul, Labor, Birthing
  9. Pushing, and Postpartum Well-Being
  10. Nursing Baby


  1. Dreamseed (MetaMusic)
  2. Gaia (MetaMusic)
  3. Himalayan Soul (MetaMusic)
  4. Inner Journey (MetaMusic)


  1. Concentration (wersja MindFood)
  2. Remembrance (MetaMusic)
  3. Retain-Recall-Release (wersja MindFood)
  4. Catnapper (wersja MindFood)
  5. Morning Exercise (wersja MindFood)
  6. Deep 10 Relaxation (wersja MindFood)
  1. Concentration (wersja MindFood)
  2. Remembrance (MetaMusic)
  3. Retain-Recall-Release (wersja MindFood)
  4. Catnapper (wersja MindFood)

  1. Introduction to Focus 10
  2. Advanced Focus 10
  3. Free Flow Focus10
  4. Introduction to access Channel
  5. Introduction to Focus 12
  6. Free Flow Focus 12
  7. Abundance Tress Exercise
  8. Creation 12
  9. Create
  10. Dis-create
  11. Release and Recharge
  12. Spoon Bending Exercise

THE CREATIVE WAY (Patty Ray Avalon)
  1. The Way of Hemi-Sync
  2. Affirming Your Creativity
  3. Meeting the Muses
  4. Meeting with Your Special Muse
  5. Clearing the Channels
  6. Shine
  7. The Inner Creator
  8. H-Plus Possibilities

  1. Exercise 1 (?)
  2. Exercise 2 (?)
  3. Exercise 3 (?)
  4. Exercise 4 (?)
  5. Exercise 5 (?)
  6. Exercise 6 (?)
  7. Shaman's Heart (MetaMusic)


  1. Self Concept
  2. Managing Stress, Finding Joy
  3. An Attitute of Gratitude
  4. Enhanced Learning for Life


  1. Morning Tape
  2. Evening Tape


  1. Tape #0 Teen Tape Introduction
  2. Tape #1 Positive Thinking
  3. Tape #2 Positive Self Talk
  4. Tape #3 Stress Management
  5. Tape #4 Positive Visualiztion
  6. Tape #5 Self Concept
  7. Tape #6 Test Preparation
  8. Tape #7 Test Taking
  9. Tape #8 Thinking And Memory
  10. Tape #9 Numerical Ability
  11. Tape #10 Communication Skills
  12. Tape #11 Decision Making
  13. Tape #12 Goal Setting
  14. Tape #13 Family Solutions
  15. Tape #14 Social Solutions
  16. Tape #15 Personal Solutions
  17. Tape #16 Personal Visualization
  18. Tape #17 Creativity
  19. Tape #18 Deep, Deep Relaxation
  20. Tape #19 Harmony
  21. Tape #20 Extending Harmony



opisy znajdziesz w wyszukiwarce typu google

Dystrybutor Hemi-Sync w Polsce:
www.czarymary.pl lub www.hemi-sync.pl


  1. Angel Paradise (Erik Berglund) [2006]
  2. Ascension (J.S.Epperson) []
  3. Baroque Garden (Richard Lawrence, Joshua Leeds) []
  4. Beneath the Moon []
  5. Between Worlds (Don Peyote) [2005]
  6. Breakthrough For Peak-Performance (Michael Maricle) [2005]
  7. Breath of Creation Solo Huaca (Allan Tower) [2006]
  8. Chakra Journey (ThunderBeat) [2007]
  9. Cloudscapes (Ray Dretske) []
  10. Convergence (Spotted Peccary Music - Deborah Martin, Mark Rownd, Greg Klamt) [2007]
  11. Cycles []
  12. Deep Journeys (Steven Halpern) []
  13. Deep Time Dreaming (Byron Metcalf, Mark Seelig) [2007]
  14. Desert Moon Song (Evenson) [2006]
  15. Dreamcatcher (Don Peyote, Naasko) [2005]
  16. Dreamland []
  17. Dreamer's Journey (Bob Volkman) []
  18. Dreamseed (Amoraea Dreamseed) []
  19. Ecstatic (Steve MacLean) []
  20. Einstein's Dream (J.S.Epperson) []
  21. Emergence (Alan Towers) [2007]
  22. Eternity Within (Frank Danna) [2005]
  23. Flow []
  24. Gaia (Richard Roberts) []
  25. Guitarra Clasica []
  26. Hemi-Sync® In Motion (J.S.Epperson) [2005]
  27. Higher (J.S.Epperson) []
  28. Himalayan Soul (llona Selke) []
  29. Holomovement (Steve Maclean) []
  30. Illumination For Peak-Performance (J.S.Epperson) []
  31. Indigo For Quantum Focus (J.S.Epperson) []
  32. Inner Journey (Micah Sadigh) []
  33. Into The Deep (Matthew Sigmon, Julia Anderson) []
  34. Lightfall For Focus and Concentration (Lenora Paxton) [2005]
  35. Masterworks (Arcangelos Chamber Ensemble) []
  36. Metamusic® Sampler (V.A.) []
  37. Midsummer Night (Allan Philips) []
  38. Mystic Realms (Brad Allen) []
  39. Oasis (Andrzej Rejman) [2005]
  40. Octaves of Light []
  41. Pearl Moon (Andrzej Rejman) [2007]
  42. Portal To Eternity (Micah Sadigh) []
  43. Portraits (Lenore Paxton, Phillip Siadi) []
  44. Prisms (Lenore Paxton, Phillip Siadi) []
  45. Radiance (Aeoliah) [2006]
  46. Reflections (Rick Borgia) [2005]
  47. Remembrance (J.S.Epperson) []
  48. Revelations For Heightened Creativity (Oracle Gatherings Tribe) [2005]
  49. River Dawn - Piano Meditations (Catherine Marie Charlton) [2006]
  50. Romantic Wonder (Don Paris, Ilona Selke) []
  51. Seaside Slumber []
  52. Seasons At Roberts Mountain (Scott Bucklin) []
  53. Sleeping Through The Rain (Matthew Sigmon & Julie Anderson) []
  54. Spirit Gathering (Byron Metcalf) [2006]
  55. Spirit's Journey (Mark Certo) []
  56. Star Spirits (Ancient Brotherhood - Gerald Jay Markoe) [2006]
  57. The Dreaming Gate (Inlakesh) [2006]
  58. The Journey Home (Micah Sadigh) []
  59. The Lotus Mind []
  60. The Maze (Bob Voklman) []
  61. The Return (Micah Sadigh) [2007]
  62. The Shaman's Heart (Byron Metcalf, Steve Roach) [2005]
  63. The Visitation (Micah Sadigh) []
  64. Touching Grace (Amoraea Dreamseed) [2006]
  65. Tranquility (Paul Sihon) [2005]
  66. Transformation (Micah Sadigh) []
  67. Tribal Journeys (William Whittenson) []
  68. Vision Quest (Kieran de Verniero) [2006]
  69. Voyage To The Other Side (Frank Danna) []
  70. Where the Earth Touches the Stars (Ancient Brotherhood - Gerald Jay Markoe, A. Brent Chae) [2006]
  71. Winds Over The World (Richard Roberts) []


  1. Converse
  2. Daybreak (Ray Dretske)
  3. Downstream
  4. East by West
  5. Friends
  6. Highland Ring
  7. Hope (Yuval Ron) [1989]
  8. Impressions of Solitude [1992]
  9. Lifecycles
  10. Midnight
  11. Nostalgia
  12. Pascifica
  13. Sam and George [?]
  14. Sunset
  15. Thursday (Eric Heberling)
  16. Trailing Edge
  17. Traveling Edge



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Dystrybutor Hemi-Sync w Polsce:
www.czarymary.pl lub www.hemi-sync.pl


  1. Bridge to Paradise (Heart-Sync)
  2. Cable Car Ride (MindFood)
  3. Catnapper (MindFood)
  4. Chemotherapy Companion (MindFood)
  5. Communicating with Animals (Heart-Sync)
  6. Concentration (MindFood)
  7. Deep 10 Relaxation (MindFood)
  8. Energy Walk (MindFood)
  9. Freedom From Smoking (MindFood)
  10. Guide To Serenity (MindFood)
  11. Journey Through The T-Cells (MindFood)
  12. Manifesting (MindFood)
  13. Meditation (MindFood)
  14. Moment Of Revelation (MindFood)
  15. Morning Exercise (MindFood)
  16. Pain Management (MindFood)
  17. Radiation Companion (MindFood)
  18. Relaxation (--)
  19. Resonant Tuning (MindFood)
  20. Retain-Recall-Release (MindFood)
  21. Soft & Still (MindFood)
  22. Sound Sleeper (MindFood)
  23. Super Sleep (MindFood)
  24. Surf (MindFood)
  25. The "SO" Chord (--)
  26. The Visit (MindFood)
  27. The Way Of Hemi-Sync® (MindFood)
  28. Transcendence (MindFood)
  29. Transforming Life's Challenges (HeartSync)
  30. Wisdom In Essence (MindFood)
  31. A Unicorn Named Georgia (MindFood - dzieci)
  32. Joy Jumper (MindFood - dzieci)
  33. Robbie The Rabbit (MindFood - dzieci)
  34. Sleepy Locust (MindFood - dzieci)
  35. Turtle Island (MindFood - dzieci)


  1. Awake & Alert
  2. Love Tennis
  3. Super Senses: Touch [?]
  4. Timeout for Sleep
  5. Under Par Golf



opisy znajdziesz w wyszukiwarce typu google

Dystrybutor Hemi-Sync w Polsce:
www.czarymary.pl lub www.hemi-sync.pl


  1. Access to Energy (new gen H+)
  2. Access to Information (new gen H+)
  3. Attention
  4. Brain: Repairs & Maintenance
  5. Buy The Numbers
  6. Circulation
  7. Contemplation
  8. De-Discomfort
  9. De-Hab
  10. De-Tox: Body
  11. Do This Now (new gen H+?)
  12. Eat/No Eat
  13. Eight-Great
  14. Heart: Repairs & Maintenance
  15. Hypertension
  16. Immunizing
  17. Imprint
  18. Let-Go
  19. Lungs: Repairs & Maintenance
  20. Mobius West
  21. Nutricia
  22. Off Loading
  23. Options
  24. Passages (new gen H+?)
  25. PMS
  26. Recall
  27. Recharge
  28. Relax
  29. Reset
  30. Restorative Sleep
  31. Sensory: Hearing
  32. Sensory: Seeing
  33. Sex Drive
  34. Sleep
  35. Speak-Up
  36. Synchronizing
  37. Sweet Dreams
  38. Think Fast
  39. Tune-Up
  40. Wake/Know


  1. Emergency: Injury
  2. Emercency: Toxic [De-Tox Body?]
  3. Empathizing
  4. LightFoot
  5. Make Your Day
  6. Regenerate
  7. See-Be
  8. Sensory: Smell
  9. Sensory: Taste
  10. Sensory: Touch
  11. ShortFix
  12. Sleep Easy
  13. Stay Awake
  14. Strong-Quick
  15. Zoning



opisy - brak



  1. Access Unlimited (Fall 1994)
  2. Center Homecoming (Spring 1997) - Short Journeys
  3. Creating Your World (Summer 2000) - Co-Creating Series
  4. Cruisin' with Bob
  5. Dancing With a Dream Dolphin (Spring 1995)
  6. Dolphin Energy Club (DEC) Healing Application
  7. Dolphin Energy Club (DEC) PREP Exercise
  8. Elation Galaxy (Winter/Spring 2005) - MindFood
  9. Energy Centers, Focus 12 Chakra Exercise (Summer/Fall 2005) - Heartline
  10. Energy Gathering (Summer 1994)
  11. Ethan's Milagro (Winter/Spring 2007) - MindFood - Keli Adams
  12. Exploring Personal Resources (Summer 1993)
  13. Forest Night (Winter 2000)
  14. Golden Mean (Spring 2008)
  15. Healing Energies (Summer/Fall 2005) - MindFood
  16. Healing Journeys, part 1 (Fall 1998)
  17. Heart Meditation (Winter/Spring 2006) - Mark Macy
  18. Information Gathering (Spring 1994)
  19. Inner-Action (Spring 1999)
  20. Journey to Innocence (Winter 1996) - Short Journeys
  21. Joy (Spring 2008) - Rosalind McKnight
  22. Macaroni Pony: A Hemi-Sync Lullaby* (Spring 1991)
  23. Message From Beyond (Fall 2002)
  24. Message from Bob (Summer/Fall 2004)
  25. Messages From Beyond (Fall 2002) - HeartSync
  26. Network of Light (old) (Endocrine system) (Summer 2001)
  27. Network of Light (old) (Immune system) (Fall 2001)
  28. Network of Light (old) (Mind & Emotions) (Spring 2001)
  29. Network of Light (old) (Nervous System) (Winter 2002)
  30. One With All (Winter/Spring 2007) - HeartSync
  31. Our World (Fall 2000) - Co-Creating Series (3)
  32. Outreach - Metamusic
  33. Prophets Message (2003) (Winter/Spring 2003)
  34. Purrfect Hemi-Sync (Spring/Summer 2002)
  35. Recuperative Sleep (Fall 1993)
  36. Rejuvenation (Summer/Fall 2006) - MindFood - Patricia Peters
  37. Resonance  (Fall 1997) - Short Journeys
  38. Sand Man Sleep (Spring 1990)
  39. Scanning the Band (Winter 1999) - Short Journeys
  40. Signals From the Past (1973) (Winter/Spring 2003)
  41. Significance (Summer/Fall 2004)
  42. Spanning The Spectrum of Human Capability (Spring 1993)
  43. Suite Dreams (Winter 1993)
  44. The Extended Self (Summer 1999) - Short Journeys
  45. The Gift of Guidance (Summer 1997) - Short Journeys
  46. The Heart Agenda (Fall 1996) - Short Journeys
  47. The Miraculous Principle (Spring 1996) - Short Journeys
  48. The Portal (Summer 1996) - Short Journeys
  49. Timeline (Fall 2002)
  50. Unity (Winter 2001) - Co-Creating Series (3)
  51. Visiting The Year 2050 (Spring 2000) - Co-Creating Series (4)
  52. Welcomes Old Friends (Summer 1991)
  53. Winter Homecoming (Winter 1998)
* ukomercjalizowane ale nakład wyczerpany


  1. Gateway Voyage*
  2. Guidelines*
  3. Heartline*
  4. MC2*
  5. Lifeline
  6. Exploration 27
  7. Starlines


  1. Access to Energy (Winter/Spring 2004) - HumanPlus
  2. Access to Information  (Winter/Spring 2004) - HumanPlus
  3. Communicating with Animals (Winter/Spring 2006) - HeartSync
  4. Connecting with the Inner Creator (Summer/Fall 2007) - Patty Ray Avalon
  5. Hypertension (Winter 1990) - HumanPlus
  6. Flying Free (Winter 1991)
  7. Journey Through The T-Cells (Fall 1995)
  8. Joy Jumper (Fall 1999)
  9. Lucid Dreaming - Part 1 (Summer 1998)
  10. Meditation-Dissociation Transcendence (Winter 1994)
  11. Meeting the Muses (Summer/Fall 2007) - Patty Ray Avalon
  12. Network of Light: Mind and Emotions (Winter/Spring 2005) - Dr. Shealy
  13. Relaxation Primer (JOOB Support) (Summer/Fall 2003)
  14. Sleepy Locust (Fall 1990)
  15. Transforming Life Challenges (Summer/Fall 2006) - HeartSync


  1. A Celebration For Robert A. Monroe (Summer 1995)
  2. An Interview With Robert Monroe* (Spring 1998)
  3. Healing Myself (interview) (Fall 1992)
  4. Introduces Lifeline (Fall 1991)
  5. Introduction by Bob Monroe* (Summer/Fall 2003) - JOOB Support
  6. On The Air (Spring 1992)
  7. The Power of Intention in Healing: A Research  (Spring/Summer 2002)
  1. Classic Metamusic (Winter 1992)
  2. Metamusic Artist Sampler III (Winter 1995)
  3. Metamusic Sampler (Summer 1990)
  4. Metamusic Sampler (Winter 1997)
  5. Preview Latest Metamusic Artist Releases (Summer 1992)


  1. [ROMC] Communications with Nonphysical Entities
  2. [ROMC] An Explorer's Past Life Regressions
  3. [TCA] Consciousness and New Technology
  4. [ROMC] Multidimensional Aspects of the Self
  5. [SHE] Introduction to Miranon
  6. [SHE] Miranon: Levels and Planes of Existence
  7. [ROMC] Awareness of True Reality
  8. [ROMC] Breaking Thought Barriers
  9. [TC, ROMC, JCA] Earth Changes
  10. [MAJ] Physical Existence: Perceptions from the Other Side
  11. [ROMC] Responsibilities for Self
  12. [TC] Levels of Human Consciousness
  13. [SHE] Miranon: Human Existence
  14. [SHE] Miranon: The Brain and Higher Consciousness
  15. [JCA] Energy and the Physical Body
  16. [TC] Male/Female Principles within the Self
  17. [ROMC] Patrick - A Rescue Mission
  18. [ROMC] Story of the Creation
  19. [NVP] Love Fear and Higher Consciousness
  20. [MJL] Attachments As Stumbling Blocks
  21. [JCA] Meeting with the Father Time
  22. [NKH] Lessons That Man Must Learn
  23. Robert Monroe - Life as a Wave Forms
  24. Robert Monroe - Lab Procedures
  25. [IMEC] Importance of Thought Forms
  26. [HRL] Becoming an Explorer
  27. [JMC] Origins of Man
  28. [Winter] Collective Consciousness: The Unity of the Universe
  29. [IMEC] Aspects
  30. [GLA] Personal Development
  31. [HBW] Entities, Energies, Information Sources
  32. [ROMC] Seeking Personal Guidance

* Materiały prezentacyjne z serii Explorer Program zostały upublicznione przez TMI w 2009 roku. from http://planetaziemia.net/hs-nagrania.htm

Dystrybutor Hemi-Sync w Polsce:
www.czarymary.pl lub www.hemi-sync.pl

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